Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
Update 43 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here:

concept class.. Magister

I had posted this before and made more edits to it i think but it must have been taken down for some reason...
was bored thinking id make a concept class for fun here is what ive got so far....

Class: Magister

five skills four passives three trees


Ultimate, Magic blast: Blast through your enemies resistances, dealing half of their total health in damage.(bypasses resistance of bosses and does x amount of damage as a critical strike instead) 500 cost (elemental blast: applies all elemental status effects) (Underwhelming blast: deals less damage but if the enemy is killed you gain major berzerk and major protection for a time)


Firebolt: unleash a powerful ranged fire attack at your enemy for x amount of damage.

(Fireball: increased damage to target and damages players near them crackling firebolt: Deals some lightning damage and concusses the enemy)

Ice spikes: one big spike shatters into a conal spray of ice spikes, dealing frost damage ahead of you. short cast time barely noticeable.

(draining spikes: afllicts enemies with a weakness increasing the cost of stamina abilities Vampiric spikes: adds a bleed over time to the enemies hit. )

Flame Atronach: summon a flame atronach which can be targeted and deals flame damage.

(Blooded Atronach: deals increased damage and sets enemies ablaze. Blazing Atronach: Is now stationary and unvulnerable for a duration in which it emits waves of fire in an area around it every second and explodes violently at the end or when recasted.)

Creeping cold: cast a cold wind upon your enemies, draining their stamina and dealing ice damage over time.

(electric field: lightning dot and mag drain. Freeze: now does direct ice damage instead of damage over time)

Barrage: Muster your power and attack and area stunnign enemies briefly and bombarding it with firebolts dealing damage every .5 seconds to enemies within.

(Icy Barrage: deals ice damage. Lightning Barrage: deals lightning damage)


Elementalist: damage with elements is increased

Ward Subverter: increased offensive penetration

Studious: status effects last longer and weapon enchantments are more effective

Expansive arsenal: Increases weapon damage and spell damage


Ultimate, Ward: cast a ward on yourself to take less damage from melee and none from ranged and magical attacks.

(perfect ward: absorbs all incoming. Fractionate Ward. Grants a damage shield to nearby allies.)


Stoneflesh: stamina costing ability that increases resistances

(ironflesh: grants minor protection. Magic flesh: costs magicka now and heals you over time)

Sunder: decrease enemy resistances Single target

(disenchant: becomes an aoe ability in which all enemies caught are afflicted with minor vulnerability instead of fracture. Degrade: slows down enemy as well as fracturing them)

Pith: Borrowing magic from the world around you rises forth an area in which yourself and others may replenish their own magicka and stamina. cast time ability which drains stamina

(demanding pith: no longer restores resources over time but all at once. Gift: no cast time and less stamina cost.)

alter land: aoe immobilized which effects enemies in front of you

(quicksand: reduces enemies hit movement speeed by 70% Punish carelessness: trapped enemies are attacked by ground spikes which deal physical damage and cause bleeding. this cannot be dodged and damage only effects those immobilized by this ability)

Shield of self: sacrifice health to gain a damage shield which stays until destroyed

(Immune self: purges negative effects and reduces cost and strength. Sacrifice self: increases cost but casts damage shields on allies as well.)


Ultimate: Become aetherial: cost 500 enter a state of peace where you can neither damage nor be damaged. your ability to damage others will take time to return even after the spell is broken. all attacks miss and the enemy is stunned when they do miss.

(wellspring: emit an aura which heals allies Go in Peace: enemies wont detect you and your movement speed will be increased.)


Aggressive Flame: whenever you are attacked, deal flame damage back

(Gaurdian stone: deals physical damage and healing you for the damage done. Guardian flame: deals flame damage back and heal for 100% of the damage done.)

Courage: casts minor courage for yourself and allies

(fortitude: also increases maximum health for the duration. Major Courage: casts major courage for yourself and allies.)

Awaken: toggle ability. Awaken your spirit when in a group every 3 seconds you expend a small amount of your magicka to heal an ally below 80% health.

(rousing spirit: this ability costs and scales with stamina. Stimulate: costs less magicka and heals for less but the time between heals is shorter.)

Steal: single target. Attack an opponent's source of magicka, stunning them for 3 seconds while healing yourself

(suppress: also silences them for the stuns duration. Power of will: causes the enemy to explode dealing magic damage in an area applying lifesteal to themself and other enemies hit.)

light: raise your weapon to cast light around you for 10 seconds. does not stealth detect.

(guardlight: displays the effect of stealthed enemies without removing them from stealth. Candlelight: extends the duration.)

feel free to comment or make suggestions on stuff you would think would be good for this class id love to hear it...
  • Malyore
    Tbh rather than it being a new class I'd just prefer any new abilities be added as a world skill line so our current characters can use it. Since these are all magical, I'd hope a mages guild dlc or upgrade would be released instead and allow access to this kinda stuff. It'd probably just need better balancing if it's available to all classes at that point. Maybe reduce the skill line down to a few more unique and role-heavy options (tank, healer, DPS, pvper) as well if it were to be a single line rather than a class.

  • Sparxlost
    Malyore wrote: »
    Tbh rather than it being a new class I'd just prefer any new abilities be added as a world skill line so our current characters can use it. Since these are all magical, I'd hope a mages guild dlc or upgrade would be released instead and allow access to this kinda stuff. It'd probably just need better balancing if it's available to all classes at that point. Maybe reduce the skill line down to a few more unique and role-heavy options (tank, healer, DPS, pvper) as well if it were to be a single line rather than a class.

    here is another concept that you might enjoy more...
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