Yep. it is a mixed PvP & PvE, in a tight confined area and the result is that both of those form of activities decrease the quality of the other.ResidentContrarian wrote: »There's a reason why it's dead: it's another PvP space where no PvP is actually going on.
Tommy_The_Gun wrote: »Yep. it is a mixed PvP & PvE, in a tight confined area and the result is that both of those form of activities decrease the quality of the other.
In Cyro mixed PvE & PvP works, because "questing hubs" are larger & Cyro itself is larger, so ganking lone wonderers is less of an issue. In IC however it makes the experience really bad. In IC, there is no place for solo or non-group play. You just get overrun by ball group or multiple gankers. It does not matter if you are there for PvE or PvP. Both of those are imho really bad experience. It is probably the most toxic zone in the entire game as it actually promotes this type of behaviour (ganking & griefing) & gives you rewards for it. IC draws certain types of players who find joy in stuff like this.
A couple of options I can think of. If you have a character on the other alliance, join them. However, when IC is all one colour, that usually means people are already farming and you won't make that many Tel Var from bosses, because you share. It's probably still the way to go, because it's efficient, consistent and relatively safe to farm with multiple people. On the other hand I find the best time to farm is when IC is mostly your colour, but another alliance is turning one or two flags. This keeps your alliance mates busy, while you may snag a boss to solo by yourself. The absolute best boss for this is the arena one, as you can take it deep into the wings of the arena, out of sight. Combat music will still give you away from the outside, but this tends to be the most likely boss to solo undisturbed nonetheless.So I hop in wanting to farm some stone for Powerful Assault Ice Staff. Entire city is owned by one alliance and nothing is happening on the map. Hop down, start turning a flag and about 3 min go by, and a group of two comes. I die, respawn, go kill them both. Start turning the flag again. Now a new group of 4 from the same alliance comes and runs over me.
Not trying to complain, but its just a bummer. I like IC over Cyrodiil because the size of the map. Sitting in Cyro saying "LFG" over and over or riding a horse across the map to just get run over by a 3 or 4 person group, doesn't sound like fun.
What do other people do? How do others get groups? Is IC just totally dead, period?
I dont mind battle grounds, but after 3 or 4, I'm ready to jump to something else. Or is that when I PvE? lol
Unlike Cyro the time is constant. It does not depend on the number of players. On the other hand the flag flips at the 3/4 mark.The IC flags flip really slowly, especially with just one player on it.
Yep. That's the kind of figure I was afraid of. Carry 1K Tel Var with all flags your colour and solo a boss instead. 10K Tel Var in 90 seconds (on a PvE build) to 5 min (worst case slow PvP build). This is of course extremely situational these days, but I'd rather spend an hour in IC mixing and matching activities than grinding the sewers. Personal preference.Easy 20-40k tell var an hour and often very few enemy players.
I have to say I share neither of your nor Tommy's view. The gameplay in IC is unique. The small-scale suggestions for IC I've heard in the past from the likes of Fengrush would turn IC into another variant of BGs. I am against that. I love IC as it is.WordsOfPower wrote: »
I agree with your description of what tends to go on in IC but I think you are mistaking cause and effect.
It is, IMO, because the place is a ghost town that gankers reign supreme.
The counterplay to gankers is to have 35k health and run a flare.
The long term community-wide solution to IC is, as with Cyro, to make zerging impossible, so that for each district, what is promoted is small group battles.
Then, depending on skill level, the S Tier Chad 1vXers can get their kicks trying their luck against a group of A&B Tier try hards, the A&B Tier players can fight each other in small groups when the 1vXers are not around (which will be most of the time), and there is space for noobs and improving players to gradually dip their toes because they won't be the only gazelles in a zone with a zerg of lions
Does it? People said that about Rewards for the Worthy. We got a refresh. Now where are we? Sets like Spell Strategist are irrelevant. At any rate the market was saturated long ago. It happens so quickly.IC needs long term Incentives to keep people coming back like leader boards, fresh loot rotations or reward incentives, A Telvar golden of some kind. It's my favorite place to PVP but it needs more to make people want to go there regularly.
No, I'm in favor of it being a mixed PvP / PvE zone, of the risk / reward Tel Var mechanic, and of it being open world rather than instanced to something like 8v8v8 as I once heard suggested by Fengrush. I would also be against any kind of MMR system, e.g. anything that reeks of BGs. I think ZOS track record of PvP achievements, in other words the BG scoring system, is exceptionally poor. This is something I find inscrutable to this day and that actively disincentivized me personally from playing BGs. Basically I killed a bunch of players in my first BG and died less than others, but ended up at the bottom of the leaderboard, even in a Deathmatch. I couldn't get over that, though that's perhaps an issue unique to myself. At any rate, I wouldn't trust ZOS to do a scoring system right.hi @fred4 , sorry if i missed it in one of your earlier posts, i'm curious to hear though your perspective for wanting to keep things as they are:
I love IC as it is.
are you saying you're in favor of keeping the district flags?
No. I liked the free and instant respawn. Mind you, this was at a time when we did not yet have duelling. Sometimes I would duel in the tavern in the arena district. I'm used to the way the respawn works now and sometimes, when IC is all red (I am red), I actively go out of my way to keep it that way, so the red faction can boss farm with maximum gain. That's about the only time - usually after midnight - when I like that people get banished to the sewers. On the whole I'd probably prefer a respawn anywhere. There is more to learning ESO PvP than duelling. You want another chance at the same fight sometimes and the non-committal AvA nature of IC without a fixed group nor scoring system makes that less pressure than a BG (though MMR perhaps makes BGs more enjoyable for new players). On the other hand I can understand that you want a mechanic whereby a group may defeat another group without immediate replenishment. Flags help with that. A solution that's going around in my head is to allow the underdog faction(s) that own no flag(s) to respawn anywhere, rather than being banished to the sewers, but once you have a flag you can only respawn there. Just a half-baked idea.are you in favor of not being able to respawn at any district alliance platform after death?
Hmm. Due to the stickerbook allowing me to experiment with builds more, I find myself in constant need of (gold) materials and Hakeijo. Almsot all of my builds use that. I don't have enough storage space to keep my Hakeijo-enchanted stuff. That's reserved for purple and gold jewelry only. Everything else gets reconstructed on demand.Making in game money is an incentive that's true, But it's gotten to the point for me that crown selling is the best time Vs effort return on gold for me. I prefer to just play for fun not to grind anymore, The things that get my attention are Transmute rewards and upgrade mats because I'm always changing my stuff around. This is why my "PVP" of choice lately has been ToT rather than IC. I get exactly what I need just for doing something I enjoy with no risk to my earnings. If IC had longterm incentives like transmute stone and leaderboard rewards i would make sure to stop in more often and not just during active times to gank.