I'm an NB main player in the NA server. I came across this bug while doing my parse on different dummies. I noticed my penetration keeps going up and down for no reason since I kept flanking every dummy. Through several tests, I found out whether Master Assassin triggered depends on not whether you are flanking, but the CARDINAL DIRECTION your character are facing! You can earn the benefit of penetration when your character faces north, east, or west, except for the south.
Facing North, with 7535 penetration. Using the compass addon to show the direction along with stats panel

Facing Sorth, with 4561 penetration. Lost 2974 penetration which provided by Master Assassin

I also found this video on Youtube which approves the same opinion, yet it didn't attract much attention:
It's a pretty strange bug and definitely not the original purpose of the skill. Please fix it asap.
Edited by Lykeion on May 16, 2022 12:16PM