TumlinTheJolly wrote: »IMO don't increase the size of Grey Host. Doing so would be rough on people with crappy hardware and potentially threaten performance again. Instead, monitor Blackreach, and if that campaign regularly has a queue for every faction then add another CP-enabled + Alliance lock-disabled campaign.
EDIT: Currently Blackreach is 2/2/locked, so I don't think they should add another campaign unless even more players flood back over the next few weeks. Blackreach is also dead at night.
Ragnarok0130 wrote: »
I don't think we should limit the game based on people with crappy hardware. In fact when ESO came out Cryodiil had a higher population with much less robust PCs on the market.
Im still using the same system i built for beta in 2014 and have 0 lag... I cant imagine what kind of system you'd have to be running or old ancient laptop to have poor performance but it would have to be old old.
FeedbackOnly wrote: »Join battlegrounds while waiting
Cuddlypuff wrote: »
Tried it. Queue almost always gets stuck, and disappears once you relog.
SimonThesis wrote: »2hr+ Queues on PC/NA AD Grayhost rn!
The problem is everyone falling into GH as the preferred Campaign, how can BR gain equal interest?
1. Cap faction swapping at X per faction each campaign
2. Add unique end of campaign rewards for each Campaign. 30day rewards are garbage, basically equal to running 1day of 3 vet pledges. Add unique rewards for BR and different rewards for GH: skins, style pages, motifs, mounts, etc...
3. Bigger reward for least populated campaign.
Yeah how about no on the 1st one. I only play blackreach because there's no faction lock or faction swapping limitations. What am I supposed to do when my faction I'm on is server zerging and keeping the map gated and there's no pvp for me to do because we own everything. I'm unable to pvp for that day because my faction owns everything and I can't swap because of limitations. (and no I'm not going to go play in lag host)
The whole point of BR is no limits, I'd like it stay that way.