LanteanPegasus wrote: »
Question in return:
Why on earth are some ESO players such fussy little children who literally cannot cope with some harmless little flavour point of an ingame companion?
Cook a cheese meal (usually done once in 3 days, tops), or catch a butterfly/torchbug by accident. Rapport goes down by 1. In words: ONE. Click at the next bookshelf you come across, any bookshelf, and the rapport is back to what it was. Bookshelves are everywhere, so you don't even have to go out of your way.
So there is no need to put a companion away "to do basic things". And even if there was - having them on quickslot makes that a thing of a few seconds.
TylerDurden wrote: »Bastian is kind of annoying, I can’t wait for the new companions. My pickpocket thief can have a companion finally
I am a firm believer that Bastian was purposely made to be disliked.
it's cringey
NotaDaedraWorshipper wrote: »
I like him and don't find him cringey.
But think of it this way: if he is indeed lactose intolerant but then has cheese, then you might have to de-summon him anyway
BretonMage wrote: »
This is actually a pretty good explanation of his rapport reduction tbh. It's not that he's intolerant of you cooking with cheese, he's assuming he'll have to eat it.
xXSilverDragonXx wrote: »Why on earth did they make these companions such fussy little children who literally cannot cope with you doing something that may not suit them personally, like cooking with cheese or catching a torchbug?
I mean really, this sort of stuff is the kind of response an emotionally immature person would have. Are the companions adults or no?