You know how we can use polymorphs to alter our character's appearance, maybe we could be able to use morphs for companions to have them appear like our fave NPCs. No need for a backstory, no need for additional voice acting, maybe one or two liners at most. However, I would like to hear your ideas on how the rapport system (likes/dislikes), or the classes would work. Should the morphs be used on existing companions which would be less immersive but more feasible, or, do we need a new blank template of a companion to bestow these attributes and the morphs ourselves?
Nevertheless, I would like to see a good variety of choices with this so that everyone can get to team up with their favorite characters, maybe not the vague and supplementary NPCs, but the ones that Vestige interacted with at least a couple of times during the quests. I would be down to pay somewhere around 500 crowns for each character. This would also mean that we can get our favorite characters as houseguests, as companions become houseguests after a certain rapport is built. Understandably, some may find this feature somewhat at odds with the canon, but there is also a good bunch who like to write their own stories with the lore, I guess this feature would be more directed toward the latter.
Some NPCs I would like to see are,
Darien Gautier
Naryu Virian
Elam Drals
Veya Releth
Eveli Sharp-Arrow
Feel free to include your own favorites and thanks for reading