**make a new character**
no, thats not the question, thats not the answer. this would in no way remove or effect any capabilities or options we have now and would simply be "in addition to". some people only have one character, some people want to play with their main. there are MANY reasons why someone would want to replay through specific content they have already completed on a character.
back in the day i used to uninstall TES or FO DLC, load the game, save it, re install content, and play through again on the same character, it was alot of fun to experience specific areas of content again without losing all progress.
in some normal games (like mainline TES) this can be achieved in most cases with a /set stage command. and in the case of something like add on content i assume it would be even more simple because the systems in place already recognize that content as "on" or "off"
the first options that jump to mind is resetting story progress (not achievements or skill lines, looking at you psijic) on DLC such as dark brotherhood and thieves guild.
**being able to replay through these two in particular without the time gating of quest lines behind skill line progress would be alot of fun, as you would not have to wait completing dailies or other small tasks to advance the plot**
i assume in fact that most DLC / expansions would require minimal effort to add a "reset / set stage" functionality to them, as the game already has to account for them being "on or "off" on a per account basis.
i would personally love to revisit places like Stros Mkai or Bleakrock again on my main, im sure many people have content they enjoyed that they would love to easily replay through again on the same character.
perhaps ZOS could even gather data on what quests are being repeated simply for "fun" and use it to build a better experience going forward.
ESO player since beta.
previously full time subscriber, beta-2024, game got too disappointing.
( ^_^ )
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DK one trick