Is the golden vendor really ONLY accessible during the weekend ?
When and where exactly can you see what items are being sold next weekend ?
Can i still get mighty chudan this week for instance ? ;-)
It probably took 6 months for me to get Troll King from the vendor when that was a thing. The vendor also seems to be limited to base game monster sets and some older DLC ones. Nice when you see something you want, but I wouldn't rely on it.
Necrotech_Master wrote: »It probably took 6 months for me to get Troll King from the vendor when that was a thing. The vendor also seems to be limited to base game monster sets and some older DLC ones. Nice when you see something you want, but I wouldn't rely on it.
certain monster sets seem extraordinarily rare from the gold vendor
one of the newest (dungeon wise) ones ive gotten was moongrave fane helm
zaan and thurvokun monster sets to my knowledge the monster helms have never appeared for these (i have seen the shoulders though) and these are some of the oldest dlc dungeons at this point
Thecompton73 wrote: »I wish they'd offer all the available monster helms during an event once or twice a year the way they offer all the PvP sets during the Mayhem events.
I only have 400 cp on my Nb DD on my new PC account so I'd need a pretty big carry to get a Balorgh's head piece from March of Sacrifices and according to BB's list of past pieces it was in the Golden just before I started the account. So I'll have to wait for quite a while longer for the set that will really make my build shine in PvP,. It's so frustrating when I just miss getting a kill after using an ultimate knowing if I had that set I'd have won the fight.