It might just be me, but I literally have not had a DeathMatch BattleGround in weeks. I hate the other formats (especially chaosball; just delete that one plz). When I get a non-DM format (so literally every time I que for a BG), I just ignore the objective and kill ppl. But it’s still not the same. It’s very discouraging and makes me not want to pvp at all. I say “at all” bc I won’t step foot in Cyrodiil bc it’s a flaming dumpster fire, and has been for years now. So my only recourse for pvp is battlegrounds. Just not a great time for ESO pvp, at least not for me. If I’m in the minority, cool. But there’s a definite lack of balance, and it sucks.
Edited by jpl7340 on April 15, 2022 2:06AM