Heyo everyone! A good whatever time of day it may be to you!
I'm a new player, new to Eso (have this game for a while though), new to MMO's, kinda trying my luck if this might be something for me or not (so far it's fun).
I would like to try random dungeons and was wondering if there are peeps out there who would like to do this in a maybe not so random group kinda like me. Maybe (almost) everyday?
I'm kind of complicated though. Less for you and more for myself is what I mean. I'm more of a loner, introvert etc. not because I'm shy but because people tend to tire me out rather quickly (not so much anymore though than it used to be). Not necessarily because I'm an unfriendly idiot or they are. Rather because of the bad experiences I made in the past (and I mean life in general not gaming online). But, anyway, here I am, wanting to give this all another shot.
I'd consider myself an open minded, friendly, respectful, calm and very patient guy and if you're okay with me retreating from time to time because of what I stated earlier, then maybe we could get together ingame for tackling these random dungeons every now and then (or maybe even other stuff)? I'll be mostly online during the evening (around 8pm MESZ - Germany).
Oh and I'm mainly playing a healer Magicka-Templar, magplar it's called in the cool tongue if I'm not mistaken.
@tr.shadow ingame, so you can just shoot me an invite, chat to me, write me a message (here or ingame) or whatever you feel comfortable with. Maybe there is even a guild out there that is okay with a strange fellow like me.
And please don't take it the wrong way if I don't answer (right away) I might have overseen it, be afk or I don't know what not, but I'm not ignoring people.

Alright, thanks for reading, have fun and take care!