WHY IS it that we can not go on to the store and use gold to buy things.. such as houses .. it would make it easier for people because this would mean you could go online instead of going to the house because some of us are bad at gps lol as in finding places on the map lol-- or we don't want to bother because its too much of a effort .. there is some truth to this that i speak of .. we need to make it easier for young and old and also to make it easier in genreal is better for everyone i think..
other things make it easier for us to buy old content like berries for the indricks and othe rthings to make pets and other buy with gold in store as in game money iam taking about not gold you can buy..
just allow us to share and place in guild stores so other people can buy them .. it make it easier and better for the game . trust me some us need this.. i need the black bird mount still not completed that and the gold one iam behind on and all indricks lol i wanted the red idrick lol... and still can not find way to make that i think iam out by a feather somthing need them in the sotres too or in the game store for gold.. we need to be allowed to buy with gold too we earn in the game .,. sorry to say this but if people dont like this idea its fine but i think you should just try it..