Purdy Paintings Housing Contest, April 29, open to PC/NA + PC/EU

Take or make a flat surface and add some color to it! Can be simple, elaborate, or however you want! Can start with the back of an in-game painting, or any empty wall can be your canvas.

Loved this ibis and moon painting made by Ayalockheart during a recent tour

Swankery is amazingly creative with wall art

Purdy Paintings
Friday, April 29, 3pm ET

Contest entry tours will be streamed at twitch.tv/jhartellis

Prizes: Top 6 creative entries will each receive 500,000g! Prize winners will be determined based on creativity, fun factor, and screenshotability (aiming for 1 good screenshot per entry)


Send an in-game mail on PC/NA or PC/EU to @JHartEllis. Please specify that you are entering the Paintings contest and include the home type (example: "Snugpod"). Also, please specify the area of the house if it's not obvious. You may include a brief description or backstory.

Make sure JHartEllis has Visitor access for the tours. It is not necessary to set the home as your primary, and you do not need to be present. It will help with organization to enter early even if not 100% done. If you have EHT FX, publish them to the community or mail them in-game to JHartEllis

For additional housing inspiration, check out my gallery of previous contests and tours at spicyeconomics.com

You're also welcome to join our Spicy housing community at https://discord.gg/spicy

Have fun! 🎨🎨🎨
Guild leader of Spicy Economics and Spicy Life on PC/NA
ESO Stream Team Partner on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/jhartellis
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JHartEllis
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/JHartEllis
Website: https://spicyeconomics.com/
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