Blocking causes long pause for heavy attack

My tank is having problems heavy attacking to regain resources. I will be blocking and need to gain some stamina back I release block proceed with heavy attack and just stand there. I have to release the heavy attack button and reapply. When you are surrounded by flames lightning and other visual graphics it's hard to see whether you're just standing there or you're regaining resources for survivability especially in vet dungeons and trials plus sometimes you don't want to be off the block button any longer than just one heavy attack not even a bash and then a heavy attack or you could be in real trouble. Sometimes you will let off block and immediately hold heavy attack but you will bash instead of heavy attacking using even more resources you don't have. I thought maybe it was lag but I've tested other skills that have difficult time with lag and there is no lag involved with this issue. Please fix thank you.
Edited by ksbrugh on April 3, 2022 2:30AM
  • ksbrugh
    Still broken LoL
  • DreadKnight
    Having this problem too, and a number of friends also.
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