Should you play this build?
Pickup the Magplar if you want an ultra simple, easy and hard hitting solo build that can dominate in any content. This is my favorite build and one that access at no mythics and no trials gear.
- Simplistic and most effective
- Great resource sustain
- Easy gear sets
- Class ultimates are weak
- Not S Tier single target
Video Guide Guide
Front Bar (dual wield)
Inferno staff = range and good single target while Dual Wield = better passives and you're in melee anyways. Swap out certain fights/playstyle.
- Inner Light (Morph of Magelight | Skill line: Mages Guild) - Slotting this skill increases our max magicka and giving us the spell critical buff on front bar. You'll want to keep this on almost all the time. The only time I don't keep it on is when I need mobility for a solo Veteran dungeon and I'll replace with toppling charge.
- Purifying Light (Morph of Backlash | Skill line: Dawns Wrath) - This ability is your go to for damage and survivability. It works like a balloon soaking up damage (to a certain point) and exploding for that amount. Moreover, it places a healing circle at the enemies feet which is great when staying in melee range or providing off healing to the tank in your group. This also activates a key passive, Illuminate which grants minor sorcerery (10% more spell damage) and Prism, more ultimate.
- Barbed Trap (Morph of Trap Beast | Skill line: Fighters Guild) - You can get minor force buff one of many ways, gear, or two commonly used abilities Barb Trap and Channeled Acceleration. Since we play in melee range, using barb trap makes the most since. Moreover slotting on our front bar increase of spell damage by 3% via slayer fighters guild passive. Another advantage is banished the wicked passive gives us ultimate when killing enemies too. Solar barrage is good here if you don't have fighters guild. Degeneration is also very nice from Mages Guild.
- Puncturing Sweep (Morph of Puncturing Strikes | Skill line: Aedric Spear) - Sweeps is my favorite ability in the game. With a massive radius, powerful both AoE and single target and healing you based on damage done, it’s one of the strongest spammables in the game. The key is to setup your target then throttle down on 3x sweeps before going back to buff. When in doubt, just hit sweeps because you’ll do good damage and heal yourself. This allowed me to beat Veteran Maelstrom Arena and Vateshran Hollows with just two buttons, Sweeps/Shield.
- Radiant Glory (Morph of Radiant Destruction | Skill line: Dawns Wrath) - An executable ability you want to use when the enemy is in execute range roughly 35% health replaces Sweeps as main spammable. The strength of this ability is how hard it hits single target. You still need to light attack weave in between applying it. This morph heals you though you do a little less damage.
- Flawless Dawnbreaker (Morph of Dawnbreaker | Skill line: Fighters Guild) - The performance of DB (Dawnbreaker) is very good now that it grants massive spell damage boost of 300 for 20 seconds. Not to mention added spell damage from slayer passive. This is a great ultimate to use on front bar that’s low cost. Crescent Sweeps is a good flex spot if you don't have fighters guild.
Back Bar (Inferno Staff)
In update 33, you'll be able to use almost any back bar weapon including Two handed with stampede!
- Channeled Focus (Morph of Rune Focus | Skill line: Restoring Light) - Focus gives you minor mending via sacred ground passive, resource sustain, small amount of helaing and your armor buff. The heal is based off max health so it’s not that significant on a DPS build but every bit helps. Moreover, you can leave the circle and still get most of the benefit and the ability cost nearly nothing. Consider this a flex spot on your back bar.
- Elemental Drain (Morph of Weakness to Elements | Skill line: Destruction Staff) - This ability does two important things, lowers a mobs resistances increasing our damage significantly and magicka steal. Thus we have god tier sustain and damage and it cost nothing! Consider this your flex spot on back bar.
- Harness Magicka (Morph of Annulment | Skill line: Light Armor) - The trick with the shield is to use this both reactively and pre-emptively. Meaning, when you know you’ll take a lot of damage, pop it for 6 seconds of protection. Also when you get hit, pop it first then allow your healer to catch up or your rune to heal you. For newer players I highly recommend double barring this in the exact same skill position. Meaning 3 key on PC front and back that way you don’t have to fuss with constant bar swaps until it becomes muscle memory. Consider slotting Inner Light if parsing since you won't need a shield.
- Blazing Spear (Morph of Spear Shards | Skill line: Aedric Spear) - Spear is your AoE damage tool that can proc resource sustain for others. It has a longer animation because its ground based so it's harder to pull off on back bar reliably. A strength of it you don’t need a target to cast it thus making it something you can pair with other DoTs as things spawns for crazy damage. I consider this a flex spot on my back bar because it’s longer duration cast time.
- Unstable Wall Of Elements (Morph of Wall of Elements | Skill line: Destruction Staff) - Unstable does a lot of things like massive flame AoE damage and an explosion at the end. You can recast the ability to activate this explosion for a spammable AoE ability though we have sweeps. Commonly folks will use the VMA Maelstrom staff on their back bar with infused trait and spell damage glyph because it’ll proc the extra spell damage even when you swap bars. Not to mention it’ll add more damage to your light and heavy attacks which templar already has empower. Consider this your most important back bar buff.
- Elemental Rage (Morph of Elemental Storm | Skill line: Destruction Staff) - Destro ultimate is my preferred back bar ultimate though you have some choices. The strength of the ultimate is the sheer damage in a small window with a massive radius. This is great in dungeons and arenas where trash mobs are a part of the general mechanics of the fight. Another option here and is used for parsing is Mages Guild shooting star. The strength of this ability is the amount of single target damage is staggering though it lacks the radius and mobility. Plus passives on the back bar along with ultimate return making it great for single target fights.
- Setup with channeled focus, elemental drain primary target, drop meteor or destro, throw a spear, blockade bar swap.
- Purifying light, barb trap, 3x sweeps, purifying bar swap.
- Now go through your 3 back bar debuffs/dots when they fall off cool down.
This setup is for someone who just started and doesn't have access to Monsters, Mythics, Trials gear

- Withered Hand: obtained in Alik’r Desert overland or from guild traders (delves, dolmans, world bosses, chest).
- - WHY? If you’re new player, low champion points and lack trials gear, this gives great sustain and healing when killing mobs and is ideal for a newer player.
- Mother’s Sorrow: obtained in Deshaan overland or from guild traders (delves, dolmans, world bosses, chest).
- - WHY? very easy set to obtain base game that adds tons of damage via extra critical chance.
- Willpower: obtained from Imperial City, Dungeon finder or from guild traders.
- - WHY? very cheap and easy to obtain two piece that gives massive boost in magicka thus more damage and bigger shields.
- - Work on replacing your willpower weapons with another 5pc set like Deadly or War Maiden to include jewelry of withered hand. Then you’ll have a 5pc and free up your monster helm.
- - Iceheart is great for survivability and Nerien’eth is great for damage.
- - Then work on Maelstrom back bar weapon.
Meant for someone who's familiar with the game and wants strongest solo build without mythics or trials gear

- Nerien’eth: obtained in Crypt of Hearts II.
- - Why? incredible single target and AoE. Works in every situation.
- - Kjalnar’s Nightmare: only one player and good single target
- - Grothdarr = good AoE damage
- - Iceheart = great survivability
- Overwhelming Surge: obtained in Tempest Island dungeon base game.
- - WHY? acts as god tier sustain without needing trials gear and does damage playing in melee range.
- - Mother’s Sorrow = easy to obtain
- - Perfected False Gods = resource sustain
- - Perfected Bahsei’s Mania:= best in slot for magicka damage
- Deadly Strike: obtained in Cyrodiil, PvP Vendor Bruma Town or from traders.
- - WHY? Makes your build incredibly simple and easy without having to baby sit stacks on your front bar and still do great damage.
- - Medusa = easy dungeon set
- - War Maiden = simple damage boosting set
- Perfected Crushing Wall: from Veteran Maelstrom Arena in Orsinium
- - WHY? Increase your overall DPS massively due to wall of elements and light attack damage increase.
- - Willpower = extra 2pc set
- Farming & Survivability
- This is the best option for folks looking to solo arenas and Veteran dungeons
Advanced Setup with mythics
- Slimecraw: obtained in Wayrest Sewers 1, Veteran Dungeon
- - WHY? provides the most critical chance per piece and ideal when using a mythic instead of a monster helm.
- Perfected False Gods: obtained in Veteran Sunspire trial or normal for non perfected
- - WHY? provides incredible resource sustain and mobility but lacks overall damage. This is great for solo play or uncoordinated groups where you cannot relay on orbs/spears/sustain sets.
- Pale Order: Mythic obtained by collecting five pieces:
- - Why? incredible set for survivability
- Deadly Strike: obtained in Cyrodiil, PvP Vendor Bruma Town or from traders.
- - WHY? Makes your build incredibly simple and easy without having to baby sit stacks on your front bar and still do great damage.
- - Medusa = easy dungeon set
- - War Maiden = simple damage boosting set
- Perfected Crushing Wall: from Veteran Maelstrom Arena in Orsinium
- - WHY? Increase your overall DPS massively due to wall of elements and light attack damage increase.
- - Willpower = extra 2pc set
Make sure to focus on maxing out the following passives skills as they add performance to your character:
- - Class skill lines
- - Medium armor skill lines
- - Undaunted
- - Fighter’s Guild (optional)
- - Mage’s Guild (optional)
- - Undaunted (must have)
- - Psijic (optional)
- - Crafting Alchemy (Medicinal Use for potion duration)
- - Race
- - Alliance War
- - World Vampire if using
High Elf
unique because damage reduction while channeling makes it my go to for magplar.
Attributes = Magicka 64
Mundus Stone
Thief - Increases the Critical Strike rating by 1333. With 7 Divines armor pieces: Increases the Critical Strike rating by 2167
Champion Points
Fighting Finesse (Slottable) - 50
Increases your Critical Damage and Critical Healing done by 2% per stage.
Deadly Aim (Slottable) - 50
Increase your damage done with single target attacks by 2% per stage.
Master-at-Arms (Slottable) - 50
Increases your damage done with direct damage attacks by 2% per stage.
Wrathful Strikes (Slottable) - 50
Grants 33 Weapon and Spell Damage to your damaging abilities per stage.
PASSIVES: If you can afford, take these passives as they add power without a slottable:
- Precision (20), Piercing (20), Eldritch Insight (20), Flawless Ritual (40), War Mage (30), Quick Recovery (20), Preparation (20), Elemental Aegis (20), Hardy (20), Blessed (20), Tireless Discipline (20), Battle Mastery (40), & Mighty (30)
Siphoning Spells (Slottable) - 50
Restore 300 Magicka per stage, whenever you kill an enemy.
Boundless Vitality (Slottable) - 50
Grants 28 Max Health per stage.
Bastion (Slottable) - 50
Increases the effectiveness of your damage shields and damage against shielded enemies by 3% per stage.
Fortified (Slottable) - 50
Grants 34.6 Armor per stage.
PASSIVES: If you can afford, take these passives as they add power without a slottable:
- Tumbling (30), Mystic Tenacity (10), Hero’s Vigor (20), Shield Master (10), Defiance (20), Hasty (16), Tireless Guardian (20), Fortification (30), Sprinter (20), Nimble Protector (6), Savage Defense (30), Bashing Brutality (20), & Piercing Gaze (30)
Gifted Rider (Passives) - 100
Increases your Mount Speed by 2% per stage.
War Mount (Slottable) - 120
Improves your mastery with mounts, removing all mount Stamina costs outside of combat.
Treasure Hunter (Slottable) - 75
Increase the quality of items you find in treasure chests.
Steed's Blessing (Slottable) - 50
Increases your out of combat Movement Speed by .4% per stage.
PASSIVES: If you can afford, take these passives as they add power without a slottable:
- Breakfall (50), Wanderer (75), Steadfast Enchantment (50), Fortune’s Favor (40), Gilded Fingers (50), & Inspiration Boost (45)
Clockwork Citrus Filet
Type: Foods
OVERALL: Increase Max Health by 3724, Health Recovery by 351, Max Magicka by 3458 and Magicka Recovery by 319 for 2 hours.
Witchmother's Brew
Type: Foods
CHEAP: Increase Max Magicka by 2856, Max Health by 3094, and Magicka Recovery by 315 for 2 hours.
Ghastly Eye Bowl
Type: Foods
DPS Parse: Increase Max Magicka by 4256 and Magicka Recovery by 425 for 2 hours.
Essence of Spell Power
Type: Potions
Grants major sorcery with increases spell damage by 20% for 47.6 seconds. Grants major prophecy which grants you 2191 spell critical rating for 47.6 seconds. Restore 7582 magicka immediately. Grants you major intellect which increases your magicka recovery by 20% for 47.6. Potions have a 45 second cool down and make sure you have three points into medicinal use passive in alchemy crafting.
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