... to someone reading this, but not to me.
Context -- I've generally always made my own builds, but I recently looked up some to see what other people had done about hybridization, if anything (answer seems to mostly be nothing). And I realized there are things I've never figured out. Such as these three:
1. Elemental Weapon
So, I like Crushing Shock, as I hate the Red Throwers, especially the guy with the undodgeable "GRONK GRONK GRONK" (the red ring of death). Crushing Shock is like making them watch 40 hours of HGTV in one second!
But in a decent number of online builds, I saw people using Elemental Weapon instead, which has never been a favorite. I have to think, there's an application there, and I'm just missing it.
2. Vigor
A lot of stamina builds seem to use Vigor (what are the odds they would be from New Jersey, huh?) despite having healing abilities within their class.
I usually run Magicka, but when I was toying with the idea of Stamina, I saw it again and again. (In the end, I had no stamina for Stamina, sorry, so this is an academic question.)
3. Haunting Curse
Yes, I'm a sorcerer. (And I play one in the game too, heh heh hehhhhh.) I see some folks using Haunting Curse.
3.5 seconds, man, that's a lot of time.
So the first person I shoot with HC runs straight into my two AoEs, gets cracked in the head with Crushing Shock, maybe even a C Frag if they're still alive. But they generally not, so I've seen an awful lot of corpses sit there and go BANG.
(Funny and true, there was a bug where the corpses of people I killed would explode the 2nd time, at the 8.5 second mark, and would go "OH!")