Hey there! I play several characters in Cyro, and since update 33 I've noticed more and more problems specifically with my faster moving characters.
When on my characters that might only have Celerity slotted or Major Expedition, I don't see many problems, but with my characters wearing 3x Swift, Medium armor, Major Expedition and Celerity, I'm experiencing a multitude of errors that seem like rubber-banding and desynchronization. This does not seem to happen in much larger fights with my slower characters, but those characters built for speed, I am finding myself suddenly dead 20+ feet from where I should be. I will also find myself suddenly pulled into a Dark Convergence where I shouldn't be.
Recently, on one of the "built for speed" characters, after acquiring Volendrung, I also seemed to "skip around the screen" to my teammates.
I keep a CMD window open while playing with a ping to www.google.com to make sure I'm not dropping packets, I don't have weird latency issues, etc. After the major FPS problems others have described in ESO Forum posts, I have repaired, set my max cores to "2", turned off all addons, and put my settings down to minimum, thinking the FPS problems were possible related here. This desynchronization is still occurring (I'm sure there is a different term for it, but this is the only term I can use to describe what I'm seeing).
Previously, I noticed more people having more issues with larger groups or ball groups using multiple speed buffs as well - disconnections usually when a Nightblade casts a Path Of Darkness or its morphs, or being around a ball group's center and getting yanked in to a distanced Dark Convergence where I used to be (cast AFTER I ran through an area, seemingly).
Also, we have had several group members not seeing an increase in speed after putting on Steed mundus, or Swift jewelry, and in one instance, I had to log out and back in to have my bonuses removed after removing Swift jewelry. Could there possibly be something going on with the issues we are seeing and something in the game not registering speed and location correctly?
This does not happen on my slower characters, is anybody else seeing any correlation? The more possible data points to look at here the better!