Narahni post-quest location

Anyone knows where can I find Narahni after completing the Thieves' Guild questline? I was pretty sure she stayed in one of the side rooms in the den, but could no longer find her anywhere.
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on October 9, 2022 1:48AM
  • RedPhoenix104
    Soul Shriven
    I was wondering the same thing.
  • Dr_Con
    Just checked, she's not at Velsa's Villa or garden either.
  • Monte_Cristo
    Not in the thieves den? Woulda thought she'd be there.
  • Dr_Con
    She may as well have been kidnapped and sold into slavery. Her being there is supposed to be a thing... Would be nice to know where she is.
  • ZOS_Hadeostry

    After further review we have decided to move this thread to a category we think is more appropriate for this topic.

    Thank you for your understanding
    Staff Post
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