Since you are going to be a pet sorc, I highly recommend Medusa set.
The pets will take 4 of your slots so you can get Minor Force for free with Medusa.
It should be better than Mother Sorrow.
Since you are going to be a pet sorc, I highly recommend Medusa set.
The pets will take 4 of your slots so you can get Minor Force for free with Medusa.
It should be better than Mother Sorrow.
Thanks. But I did mention in my opening post that I did not want ANY dungeon gear because I don't run group dungeons, except when I'm in the mood to solo, which is rarely.
I'd recomment 5x Mother's Sorrow, 1x mythic item (doesn't need to be Pale Order ring as your Critical Surge skill is a top notch healing ability, 3x Vengeance Leech for sustain (weapons + jewelry only) and 3x Mad Tinkerer for that extra crit chance.
If you could get yourself to do any dungeons you can use 1-piece monster sets like Slimecraw head and Zaan shoulders for better crit and 1 piece Trainee for more health.
Edit: And Thief mundus for sure, more crit is more damage and more healing for you.
I'd recomment 5x Mother's Sorrow, 1x mythic item (doesn't need to be Pale Order ring as your Critical Surge skill is a top notch healing ability, 3x Vengeance Leech for sustain (weapons + jewelry only) and 3x Mad Tinkerer for that extra crit chance.
If you could get yourself to do any dungeons you can use 1-piece monster sets like Slimecraw head and Zaan shoulders for better crit and 1 piece Trainee for more health.
Edit: And Thief mundus for sure, more crit is more damage and more healing for you.
From everything I've read, there is a point where crit is no longer as useful... as in diminishing returns. Most posts I've seen have said roughly 50-60% is the sweet spot for crit. The higher spell damage, the more damage your crits do as well as healing increases too. With low spell damage, your crits are going to crit for lower... so trying to find the sweet spot for just the right amount of crit chance + spell damage + crit damage is an important factor to consider as well.