Is Kari's Hit List Bugged?

After reading about the issues in the PTS, I was happy to see that the Kari's Hit list Achievements were still character based. However, When I placed the item from Abah's Landing in the den and got the "Loot the Landing" Achievement, I didn't get any Thieves Guild points for it.
  • SpiritKitten
    This has been mentioned repeatedly on the PTS feedback thread and still went to live like this and appears to be 'working as intended'. I made sure almost all my characters got this achievement done before the update 33 went live.
  • wolfgirlb14_ESO
    What's the point of keeping the Achievements character based and making them available to alts if you don't get anything for doing them anymore? The only reason really to do them on alts is for the TG points :(
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