xylena_lazarow wrote: »Individual self healing is mostly fine. Group healing continues to be game breaking, not just optimized 12mans, literally any group that deliberately stacks Radiating Regen and Echoing Vigor. Groups with zero chance of winning the objective can nonetheless stall forever just running around healing each other. If you can't take the flags, you shouldn't get to hold the objective hostage while 40 guys chase you around the walls or a field outside. It's one-sided fun that leads to all kinds of toxicity, faction stack zerging, pug stomping, players raging at each other...
The main culprits are the aforementioned HoTs that travel with players, Snow Treaders deleting counterplay, and the Maelstrom Resto allowing raid healers to mostly ignore building sustain (mag healers in 5med armor lol). Endless nerfs to damage sets like Hrothgar while healing gets buffed and buffed and buffed... even Coldfire siege feels useless.
xylena_lazarow wrote: »Individual self healing is mostly fine. Group healing continues to be game breaking, not just optimized 12mans, literally any group that deliberately stacks Radiating Regen and Echoing Vigor. Groups with zero chance of winning the objective can nonetheless stall forever just running around healing each other. If you can't take the flags, you shouldn't get to hold the objective hostage while 40 guys chase you around the walls or a field outside. It's one-sided fun that leads to all kinds of toxicity, faction stack zerging, pug stomping, players raging at each other...
The main culprits are the aforementioned HoTs that travel with players, Snow Treaders deleting counterplay, and the Maelstrom Resto allowing raid healers to mostly ignore building sustain (mag healers in 5med armor lol). Endless nerfs to damage sets like Hrothgar while healing gets buffed and buffed and buffed... even Coldfire siege feels useless.
MEBengalsFan2001 wrote: »Problem with this game is that you have offensive stats and a resource pool which impacts both damage and healing. IMO offensive stats for damage and resource pool impacts healing.
xylena_lazarow wrote: »For the 9000th time, nerfing individual self healing will NOT solve the unkillable group problem, it will only make things more miserable for solos and pugs. I'll admit that Living Dark and Spirit Mender should be nuked from orbit.
You're not wrong, way too many 1v1s stall out, but one tanky player doesn't break PvP, they still get zerged down or forced to run very far away. Unkillable groups are a far worse problem from BGs to Cyro, and I'd really like to avoid the sort of blanket nerfs that only exacerbate the problem.TheEndBringer wrote: »Absolutely self healing is too high... Every class in this game is capable of that. Some better than others.
xylena_lazarow wrote: »You're not wrong, way too many 1v1s stall out, but one tanky player doesn't break PvP, they still get zerged down or forced to run very far away. Unkillable groups are a far worse problem from BGs to Cyro, and I'd really like to avoid the sort of blanket nerfs that only exacerbate the problem.TheEndBringer wrote: »Absolutely self healing is too high... Every class in this game is capable of that. Some better than others.
Nobody better tell this person what 12 unkillable players all healing each other inside a keep can do...TheEndBringer wrote: »One tank leads 12+ around the inside of a keep for five minutes, preventing them from moving to their next target in a timely fashion
xylena_lazarow wrote: »Nobody better tell this person what 12 unkillable players all healing each other inside a keep can do...TheEndBringer wrote: »One tank leads 12+ around the inside of a keep for five minutes, preventing them from moving to their next target in a timely fashion
Supershutze wrote: »If your opponent builds high healing, counterplay is... ?
Supershutze wrote: »There are some foundational issues with PvP balance.
First problem: Building for durability offers way too much return on investment.
Someone who builds for durability can burst down someone who builds for pure damage, but the reverse is not true. This is a problem, especially given that most PvE builds are based around pure damage, and that's the build most new players have when they first step foot in PvP, essentially guaranteeing a horrible first impression.
Second problem: There is no counterplay for healing, especially self-healing.
If your opponent builds lots of armour, counterplay is high pen, breach, crushing enchants, etc...
If your opponent builds high health, counterplay is DoT's, oblivion damage.
If your opponent builds high mobility, conterplay is snares, immobilizations, stuns.
If your opponent builds high stealth(i.e nightblade), counterplay is magelight, tracker, flare, situational awareness.
If your opponent builds high healing, counterplay is... ? (and don't say defile, it's so weak that it might as well not exist).
Defile *used* to be useful. It was one of the absolute most useful effects in pvp, and it was so useful because it was the *only* counterplay to healing. Then it got nerfed hard.
When you pair problem one with problem two, what you end up with are fights that resemble a bunch of tanks slapping each other with pool noodles. This would be funny if it wasn't so sad.
Potential solutions?
Change how impen works, so it can at most reduce critical damage by 50% (100% crit damage boost becomes 50%, 150% becomes 75%, etc..) This makes the game more easily approached by PvE players with these builds and makes high damage builds more capable of bursting tank builds. Afraid this means that non-tank builds are gonna get one-shot? This happens anyway.
Give more counterplay to heals. Buff defile back to something useful. Apply a debuff to healing done and healing recieved for 1 second after taking damage. This makes it a lot harder to just heal through incoming damage and forces players to either get their healing from a dedicated healer(yay, teamwork), or disengage from combat to heal.
VarisVaris wrote: »MEBengalsFan2001 wrote: »Problem with this game is that you have offensive stats and a resource pool which impacts both damage and healing. IMO offensive stats for damage and resource pool impacts healing.
No this is a terrible idea.
That would be yet another horrible attempt to fix something with a sledgehammer that should only be fixed by making direct changes to the outliers.
It would just add so many new issues that the devs can't predict and it would take them years to start fixing the problems that would emerge just by adding it while them attempting to fix it would cause even more issues.
Healing and offense being tied to the same stats has worked for the most part of 8 years of ESO and the only time it became an issue was when it was related to a limited amount of certain skills or when Zos introduced heals that didn't scale with those stats like HP scaling heals or healing procs being too powerful.