I used to be able to proc the EC effect (a fire aura on a foe)with a light attack from a 1H weapon with fire enchantment or both the lightning and ice aura with a crushing wall from an ice staff with Lightning enchantment. What I have found so far since the Ascending Tide Patch was released are these:
1. Light attack from a melee weapon with element enchantment (Fire /Lightning/ Ice) no longer proc the EC status on foes
2. Crushing wall from an Ice staff with Lightning Enchantment can only proc an Ice aura on foes, instead of both lightning and ice auras.
I am not sure what is going on.Can use some answers.
Most people think Time is just like a river flowing in a single direction silently and unchanged, but it unveiled its totally astonishing truth to me: Time is an ocean in a raging storm...