flguy147ub17_ESO wrote: »Hey everyone, I was a long term player since the betas until about 2.5 year ago i finally left. After trying almost every game out there that interest me since i quit, but nothing has "hooked" me except for a couple months of Warhammer Online on the private server. My questions below.
1. I have Accounts on every platform but would love to comeback on PC, but only got like 400 CP i think? My Xbox was my main account. I know the CP system go revamped since then, how big of a grind would it be for me to get to max CP now?
2. How is the pvp balance and Cyrodiil performance? There use to always be some broken build for some class that would last a couple patches. Not sure how it is currently. Also Cyrodiil performance i hope is better, i do have a very good PC fwiw.
3. Catching up with gearing? how would that be for me. I have grinded my butt off on Xbox with most sets and honestly just dont want to grind so much again on this game. Some grinding is fine but dont want to "No Life" it to just catch up to be competitive especially in PVP.
4. How is the community currently? I always thought it had a pretty good community when group with players, very seldom did i ever run into a toxic player.
Thanks guys.
Curated drops don't guarantee you'll get gear you don't have yet, it's just much much much more likely, from what I understand. It's possible you can get a drop of something you already have but it's a very small likelihood. Also, curated drops only apply to certain things like bosses. It doesn't apply to things like chests (aside from chests that spawn after certain bosses because those chests are the boss loot) or trash mobs.Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »flguy147ub17_ESO wrote: »Hey everyone, I was a long term player since the betas until about 2.5 year ago i finally left. After trying almost every game out there that interest me since i quit, but nothing has "hooked" me except for a couple months of Warhammer Online on the private server. My questions below.
1. I have Accounts on every platform but would love to comeback on PC, but only got like 400 CP i think? My Xbox was my main account. I know the CP system go revamped since then, how big of a grind would it be for me to get to max CP now?
2. How is the pvp balance and Cyrodiil performance? There use to always be some broken build for some class that would last a couple patches. Not sure how it is currently. Also Cyrodiil performance i hope is better, i do have a very good PC fwiw.
3. Catching up with gearing? how would that be for me. I have grinded my butt off on Xbox with most sets and honestly just dont want to grind so much again on this game. Some grinding is fine but dont want to "No Life" it to just catch up to be competitive especially in PVP.
4. How is the community currently? I always thought it had a pretty good community when group with players, very seldom did i ever run into a toxic player.
Thanks guys.
1. Max CP as in 3600? Quite a grind, but its completely unnecessary with the new CP system. 400 CP to the low/mid 4 digits, which really is all you need? Honestly not that bad. If you want to grind, it can be done very efficiently these days. I am just under 2k, and its overkill. I dont even spend the points I get these days.
2. Balance is what it is. Always something a little out of whack. Dark Convergence is a set plaguing PVP at the moment. Performance is pretty terrible at primetime, but otherwise its not as bad as I have seen it.
3. There is now a stickerbook and smart loot. Stickerbook means once you have a gear piece and bind it, it saves and you can reconstruct it at anytime with transmute crystals. Smart loot means that for most drop sources of gear, you will get things in that loot pool that arent in your stickerbook until its full. This really helps when going after something specific, but of course, if filling your sticker book completely is the goal, its quite the endeavor. 45 runs of a dungeon and you will have everything in it. If you want something like a VMA staff, it only takes as many runs as there are arena weapons to guarantee you get it. Much better than it used to be.
4. Seems pretty much status quo on my end. Always liked the ESO community for the most part.
flguy147ub17_ESO wrote: »Hey everyone, I was a long term player since the betas until about 2.5 year ago i finally left. After trying almost every game out there that interest me since i quit, but nothing has "hooked" me except for a couple months of Warhammer Online on the private server. My questions below.
1. I have Accounts on every platform but would love to comeback on PC, but only got like 400 CP i think? My Xbox was my main account. I know the CP system go revamped since then, how big of a grind would it be for me to get to max CP now?
2. How is the pvp balance and Cyrodiil performance? There use to always be some broken build for some class that would last a couple patches. Not sure how it is currently. Also Cyrodiil performance i hope is better, i do have a very good PC fwiw.
3. Catching up with gearing? how would that be for me. I have grinded my butt off on Xbox with most sets and honestly just dont want to grind so much again on this game. Some grinding is fine but dont want to "No Life" it to just catch up to be competitive especially in PVP.
4. How is the community currently? I always thought it had a pretty good community when group with players, very seldom did i ever run into a toxic player.
Thanks guys.
Curated drops don't guarantee you'll get gear you don't have yet, it's just much much much more likely, from what I understand. It's possible you can get a drop of something you already have but it's a very small likelihood. Also, curated drops only apply to certain things like bosses. It doesn't apply to things like chests (aside from chests that spawn after certain bosses because those chests are the boss loot) or trash mobs.Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »flguy147ub17_ESO wrote: »Hey everyone, I was a long term player since the betas until about 2.5 year ago i finally left. After trying almost every game out there that interest me since i quit, but nothing has "hooked" me except for a couple months of Warhammer Online on the private server. My questions below.
1. I have Accounts on every platform but would love to comeback on PC, but only got like 400 CP i think? My Xbox was my main account. I know the CP system go revamped since then, how big of a grind would it be for me to get to max CP now?
2. How is the pvp balance and Cyrodiil performance? There use to always be some broken build for some class that would last a couple patches. Not sure how it is currently. Also Cyrodiil performance i hope is better, i do have a very good PC fwiw.
3. Catching up with gearing? how would that be for me. I have grinded my butt off on Xbox with most sets and honestly just dont want to grind so much again on this game. Some grinding is fine but dont want to "No Life" it to just catch up to be competitive especially in PVP.
4. How is the community currently? I always thought it had a pretty good community when group with players, very seldom did i ever run into a toxic player.
Thanks guys.
1. Max CP as in 3600? Quite a grind, but its completely unnecessary with the new CP system. 400 CP to the low/mid 4 digits, which really is all you need? Honestly not that bad. If you want to grind, it can be done very efficiently these days. I am just under 2k, and its overkill. I dont even spend the points I get these days.
2. Balance is what it is. Always something a little out of whack. Dark Convergence is a set plaguing PVP at the moment. Performance is pretty terrible at primetime, but otherwise its not as bad as I have seen it.
3. There is now a stickerbook and smart loot. Stickerbook means once you have a gear piece and bind it, it saves and you can reconstruct it at anytime with transmute crystals. Smart loot means that for most drop sources of gear, you will get things in that loot pool that arent in your stickerbook until its full. This really helps when going after something specific, but of course, if filling your sticker book completely is the goal, its quite the endeavor. 45 runs of a dungeon and you will have everything in it. If you want something like a VMA staff, it only takes as many runs as there are arena weapons to guarantee you get it. Much better than it used to be.
4. Seems pretty much status quo on my end. Always liked the ESO community for the most part.
1.flguy147ub17_ESO wrote: »Hey everyone, I was a long term player since the betas until about 2.5 year ago i finally left. After trying almost every game out there that interest me since i quit, but nothing has "hooked" me except for a couple months of Warhammer Online on the private server. My questions below.
1. I have Accounts on every platform but would love to comeback on PC, but only got like 400 CP i think? My Xbox was my main account. I know the CP system go revamped since then, how big of a grind would it be for me to get to max CP now?
2. How is the pvp balance and Cyrodiil performance? There use to always be some broken build for some class that would last a couple patches. Not sure how it is currently. Also Cyrodiil performance i hope is better, i do have a very good PC fwiw.
3. Catching up with gearing? how would that be for me. I have grinded my butt off on Xbox with most sets and honestly just dont want to grind so much again on this game. Some grinding is fine but dont want to "No Life" it to just catch up to be competitive especially in PVP.
4. How is the community currently? I always thought it had a pretty good community when group with players, very seldom did i ever run into a toxic player.
Thanks guys.
flguy147ub17_ESO wrote: »Thanks, people keep saying reconstruct any piece i get? Do you mean change the trait or what? That got in shortly before i quite but not the sticker system. Also do i need Antiquities for meta or to have a good build?