I’ve never seen a dk move faster than a sorc. None of that damage in your recap is purgable anyway. And you didn’t get hit with anything hard.
you vampire phase4 or phase5 ?
btw I like the tips under the recap, "use the grouping tool located in the group menu". Ok zenimax
VarisVaris wrote: »I mean is there anyone who unironically says that magdk is balanced?
Yup. For all the whining on the forums, I don't think it's far off. If you actually look at the changes they made to magdk, the vast majority were to adjust it's... sustain. And magdk sustain was horrible before. Because they have - and still have - the most expensive skills in the game.
More generally, while I wouldn't say balance is perfect this patch, it's a lot better than it has been in a long time. I'd actually play a mag toon in pvp now, rather than just automatically defaulting to my stamden, stamcro or maybe stamblade. Is it perfect, ofc not, but is it better than everyone running the same class, spamming d-swing d-swing dawnbreaker execute...? Yeah.
None of that's to say there arn't a few problems. I certainly think templars got over buffed, while wardens got hit unduly hard - it's not just artic, it's introducing a set like plaguebreak when netch auto purges. Stamsorcs arn't doing too badly but feel like they haven't seen much love recently. There's certainly room for adjustment....
More generally, I think an awful lot of what people complain about isn't actually to do with classes at all. Take healing - people often complain about magdk's mysteriously healing to full in gcd; that's not cauterize, that's someone popping rapids and probably a resto ulti. Or tankiness - I think all temps and magdks get there is an 10% extra to block; it's vampire stage 3, sets like daedric, ironblood and probably mist form that are letting people just shrug off damage.
The problem is, people come up against someone with more experience, a better build and probably a better ping than them, they die and they don't like it. So they want to say it was a unfair fight, the other player was OP and they don't get much further than looking at the class.
I don't know about that. But we seem to have debates like this constantly on these forums. It goes back and forth, there's a lot of claim and counter claim, a lot of heat and light, but not much else. From everything I've seen, I think balance is in a better place than it has been for along time and I'd rather they focused on sorting out performance. But bottom line I guess, if someone kills you in pvp, their class/sets/abilities must be "flat out OP" and need to be nerfed. If you kill them, well, it's all down to skill isn't it...
I don't know about that. But we seem to have debates like this constantly on these forums. It goes back and forth, there's a lot of claim and counter claim, a lot of heat and light, but not much else. From everything I've seen, I think balance is in a better place than it has been for along time and I'd rather they focused on sorting out performance. But bottom line I guess, if someone kills you in pvp, their class/sets/abilities must be "flat out OP" and need to be nerfed. If you kill them, well, it's all down to skill isn't it...
Only an 8k Molten Whip? Wow, that DK sucks or went super easy on you.
I'm not buying that they went faster than your Sorc unless they used a gap closer on you or had the Wild Hunt Ring or Swift Jewelry. I seriously doubt by his name he was using Race Against Time, but if he is that could also fall into why he caught up. Sorcs when properly countered with speed are not fast. They have great repositioning but don't actually outrun dedicated speed builds.
MagSorc & StamNB we’re on top for a very long time
Necro & Warden we’re on top for very long time
Currently, it’s DK & Plar which are very good.
I’m just waiting for the next new class to be released already
WaltherCarraway wrote: »that person was on corrosive, corrosive ignores your 30k resistance.
Magicka DK has been my main character for 4 years. Zos
That person has been doing that damage all the fight.
gariondavey wrote: »
You can have almost perma uptime on corrosive with major + minor heroism + decisive + nord + bloodspawn
Major from dt, hc to boost decisive, bloodspawn + nord, then minor from pots
You get uhhhhhh a lot of ult
VarisVaris wrote: »
Everyone should know that the big three with magplar, magdk and magnecro are ridiculously op and should all receive nerfs.
Urzigurumash wrote: »
What do you think the consensus is for balance between the 6 Stam classes?
VarisVaris wrote: »
Stamina spec balance isn't as unambiguously as you'd have to talk about the specs in different situations.
For solo Stamnb is the best option but it falls short as soon as you start playing in groups which is when bowsorc, stamplar and stamcro/stamden are the best options.
Stamdk isn't terrible either.
But in the end it doesn't really matter because every time you think about which spec to choose the answer should always be magplar, magdk or magnecro because they are simply overshadowing anything else
Silversmith wrote: »Magicka is easier to play than Stamina and outperforms it in every class.