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Templar vs Dragonknight?

What are the pros and cons of each? Coming from a nightblade and trying to decide which one to pick before I invest a lot of time.
  • Larcomar
    As noone else has jumped in I'll say what I said the last time someone asked this - you can find that thread if you flick back a bit. Beginning of february.

    "Magplars are pretty firmly on top right now to the point that they're ahead of the other classes by some margin. They got a bunch of buffs in back in u30 which really moved them up the ladder then another big buff to backlash in u31.Those changes have given them incredible survivability with stuff htd and living dark and then the full package on offense. I mean, you've got a gap closer which stuns and sets off balance, easy pressure with jabs which ofc also heal you, and a huge amount of quite bursty follow up damage from stuff like crescent sweep, purifying light and the burning light passive. Plus a nice execute in the jesus beam. On top of that, they're the easiest class to play bar none. You really can't go wrong with them.

    I don't think I'm seeing anything in the pts notes that's going to challenge their dominance. If anything they're getting a slight buff - javelin's damage will now bypass block.

    DKs on the other hand are in a much better place after U32 but people tend to overstate how much they've improved. Most of the changes zos made - stuff like combustion, charged, battle roar - were to sort out their godawful sustain, but they still have the most expensive skills in the game. And the rest was in the nice to have category - stacks on whip last a bit longer, foo gives you 3 fireballs rather than two, eruption is a cost over time... They didn't get anything like the big changes to healing power / damage numbers that temps got. My sense is that they're much better than they were and definitely a good choice but not really in the same league...

    The changes on PTS are interesting; it looks like the damage boost from engulfing flames is getting a nerf, while the heal from burning embers is getting turned into a hot rather than a burst heal. I think that will reduce their overall damage while giving them slightly better - or at least more consistent - healing, but it looks more on the margins. Not sure it will make big changes but we'll see.

    There are two other things it's worth noting. First, one of the things you'll find about DKs is that the class kit misses quite a bit. Whereas you could literally roll a templar and take it for a spin, the DK lacks quite a bit out of the box. To even compete with a temp on healing you'll need restoration staff, to get any mobility you'll need psyjic, for defense you'll need vampire 3 and ideally mistform... And ofc you'll still lack stuff they have like a decent gap closer, an execute...

    Second, an awful lot of the Dk's offense comes from dots. I suspect one of the things that's making them seem more potent at the moment is that fact that there's so much plaguebreak around that people can't / won't purge. At some pt tho zos is going to nerf that, and if people start purging again it's quite a hard counter to DKs.

    In short, I think templars are quite a long way ahead of other classes and much stronger out of the box. DKs, you're going to need to grind out some stuff to make them good, and they're still not going to be quite as good as a templar. On the other other hand, yeah, templars are pretty easy to play and jabs can get seriously old after a while. I'd give Dk's a definite win on visuals and the fun factor. But YMMW. Personally, I'd roll up a templar - much easier to get going - and see how you go. You could always go to DK if / when you get bored of it or work one up when you don't fancy pvping. Whereas if you roll up a DK and don't like it, you'll have had to invest a lot more up front."

    Anyway hope that helps. Personally, while I love my dk, I levelled up *another* templar for mym. Dks are good an all but templars are definitely S tier right now. I'd originally assumed they were going to get nerfed next patch but if anything they're getting a bit of a buff. It's a bit of a no brainer. Just enjoy it while it lasts! they're going to get nerfed at some point.
  • the1andonlyskwex
    If the reason you're planning on switching is to chase the meta, you're likely to be disappointed. The meta is changing all the time, so templar and DK may not be nearly as strong as you expect by the time you've finished grinding skill points and leveling skills.

    Also, while templars and DKs might be the strongest classes right now, I don't think it's by nearly the margin some people on these forums would have you believe.
  • Lumenn
    I got sucked into pvp through my stamina dragon knight years ago and currently play my magplar. All I'll say is in MY exp the dk survival is better (in large part because purging as a templar right now can be FUUUUUN. Esp with synergy.sarcasm folks ) But the magplar is still my favorite. Also keep in mind pvp servers are... times, and MANY of templars toolkit are channels. I have at least two of every class and have more bugs, glitches, etc with him than any of the others.

    Edit: added sarcasm
    2nd Edit: had to explain sarcasm. Certain sets make purge from any source a gamble. You should always be aware of your surroundings and health of those around you but these sets will... remind you. I can only assume the few questions I got were from people who haven't PVP'D yet.
    Edited by Lumenn on March 14, 2022 6:53PM
  • Vevvev
    Larcomar wrote: »

    The changes on PTS are interesting; it looks like the damage boost from engulfing flames is getting a nerf,

    Not really, it'll just ignore max stats for scaling and focus entirely on damage stats. With every source of Brutality or Sorcery now giving them both a Dragonknight is going to have a lot of spell and weapon damage.

    Change mostly harms the DK healers focused on max Magicka and Magicka recovery. The DK PvPers and DPS will be largely uneffected, especially since this means even a magDK is going to be building into weapon damage to take advantage of their minor brutality buff.
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • xDeusEJRx
    For a noobie, this is what you can expect:
    Magplar - Probably the easiest to get into as a noobie, you might not be able be a killer right away but the rotation is fairly simple to get into. Pop your purifying light, solar barrage, elemental drain(if you use staff) and then spam puncturing sweep to boost up your purifiying light damage. You can even time that with crescent sweep.
    The damage rotation of magplar is probably the easiest, they have an amazing toolkit, easiest barrier to entry.

    Stamplar - Pretty much the broke version of magplar, can do some of what magplar does but to a less degree because of lack of magic pool/sustain. Maneuverability can be better however due to having medium armor. Its probably the hardest to play for a new player to the class of the whole Mag Dk vs magplar vs stam DK vs stamplar argument.

    Mag Dragonknight - Probably the 2nd easiest and 2nd best class in this list for a first time to the class. It's a more skilled play style to get your bearings but it's fairly easy to get into, but not a class you can master in a day. The damage is great if you have molten whip, sustain and healing is great with flame lash/power lash. Sustain is also good because if you panic ulti you can get back resources to help get your bearings back.

    Stam dragonknight - the 3rd hardest to play but difficulty comes with HIGH damage. The damage output you can get on stam dk is immense, with powerful dots, even stronger than the mag variants, but harder to play than Mag DK. However if you run both morphs of whip on stam dk with wretched vitality, you can pump out insane damage. You can get 6.5k weapon damage easily fully specc'd into damage, so it's hard playstyle for a noob but you get high damage if you can eventually master it
    Solo PvP'er PS5 NA player

    90% of my body is made of Magblade
  • Olen_Mikko
    With templar, even a total noob can be unkillable.

    Just slot jab and you're good to go
    NB enthusiastic:
    1. Woodhippie stamblade - DW hard-hitter / PvE
    2. Know-it-all elf Magblade - Healer / PvE & PvP
    3. Hate-them-all elf Magblade - Destrostaff AoE monster / PvE
    4. Cyrodiil-Refugee stamblade - Stamina Tank / PvE

    Go dominion or go home

    Nightblade-Hipster. I played Nightblade before it was cool - from 1.5 onwards.
  • Larcomar
    Olen_Mikko wrote: »
    With templar, even a total noob can be unkillable.

    Just slot jab and you're good to go

    I wouldn't say it's *quite* that simple. But um, sorta... Took my guy in last night. 65 kills, 21 KBs and.... 0 deaths. And I'm a very average, very casual player running absolutely bog standard sets. I don't get anything like those stats on my other toons - for all the posts about "unkillable DKs" I die on my DK plenty.

    That said, the oneandonlyskex make a good point. They're probably going to get nerfed sooner or later. Just not next patch it seems. I don't personally think it takes that long to level a toon up - it took me maybe a week of fairly casual playing to get my temp 50, the skill lines levelled up, and the the skill points to fill them out. But.... I was lucky and had the horse already levelled - made him ages back but stored surveys on him. That's probably the biggest constraint unelss you're prepared to spend a ton in the crown store. Cyro is a very big place if your horse is slow.
  • soniku4ikblis
    People forget that over 2 years ago and many patches previous to this one, Templar was in a weak position. It was not top tier and it was difficult to play.

    Now with all the updates to the class, it's suddenly become S tier and has one of the strongest bursts in game.

    As both a StamDK and a Magplar, I usually edge out wins and kills on my Magplar, simply for the fact that I can purge dots. Fully buffed, I hit 9k spell damage on Magplar and around 8k on StamDK in Overland CP Cyro.

    Both classes are really fun to play and are really good regardless of whichever you choose. The only thing I can say about StamDK is that its not as easy to be as survivable as a Templar. Living Dark is simply too good. (Though its getting a nerf from 60% to 40% on the snare.) And if you are in Mist Form, Templar is disgustingly tanky 1vx.

    For these reasons, this is why you see so many 2-3 small groups of Magplars running Cyro. They can get their spell damage over 10k and I'm sure it hits around 11 or 12 because they runs sets with Major and Minor Courage. Very hard to tank and kill these players. They use resto staves. Very annoying.
    Edited by soniku4ikblis on March 13, 2022 11:01AM
    __._-*._._._.-*'"{Sonic Euphoric Bliss}"'*-._._._.*-_.__
  • Xarc
    DK has nice dots.
    Templar just purges it.

    @xarcs FR-EU-PC -
    Please visit my house ingame !
    "Death is overrated", Xarc
    Xãrc -- breton necro - DC - AvA rank50
    Xarcus -- imperial DK - DC - AvA rank50
    Elnaa - breton NB - DC - AvA rank50
    Xärc -- breton NB - DC - AvA rank49
    Isilenil - Altmer NB - AD - AvA rank41
    Xaljaa - breton NB - now EP - AvA rank39
    Felisja - Bosmer NB - DC - AvA rank39
    Xàrc - breton necro - DC - AvA rank28
    kàli - redguard templar - DC - AvA rank32
    Xalisja - bosmer necro - DC - AvA rank16
    - in game since April 2014
    - on the forum since December 2014
  • MEBengalsFan2001
    Both classes have their advantages and disadvantages.

    Just like a NB isn't someone that goes head on into a fight instead they go invisible and hit you in the back. That's the best way to play a NB and why wouldn't you play it that way.

    Templar are more head on type of character and DK from my experience fall in the middle.

    I like the play style of the templar but it took me a while to figure out how to make him so I don't die in less than 3 hits but I still can die rather quickly even with 30K+ resistance.
  • noobfury
    I have both. DK was what I started with 6 years ago. Back then they were not in a good place in PVP where as Templar has always been strong to a certain degree.

    If playing a DK the one huge advantage to keep in mind is Corrosive Armor. The ability to bypass resistance while taking almost zero damage makes it one of the best ultimate's in the game for PVP. You can use this with either Mag or Stam and have really good results either way.

    Ferocious leap also is one of the better ultimate's in PVP. Because you are able to knock back players. stun, deal damage and gain a huge damage shield all at the same time. This ultimate is very low cost and the hidden benefit with DK ultimate's is that with the battle roar passive you can replenish a large amount of resources each time you use one.

    The DK ultimate's , cost of the ultimate's and ability to gain a huge amount of health magicka and stamina whenever you use one is actually the win for this class. This is the biggest advantage to playing a DK.

    One a side note, you can solo the most difficult DLC dungeons in the game with this class as well. I've done it many times and that is not something I could do on my Templar.

    noobfury earned the Eighth Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 8 years. PC NA
  • Tiphis
    They are both firmly the best classes bar none. Magplars edge out magdks by a bit but you really can't go wrong with either one.
  • Hescrow
    Magplar because it do has an execute ability which heals you as well.

    Otherwise it is pretty close
  • Mayrael
    TBH since latest patch release when it goes to my encounters I've met pretty strong both templars and DKs most of them (like 95%) are pretty manageable to kill, but only hmmmm... FlameDKs (I'll use this term since divide into stam and magicka is less relevant) are the ones that cause more threat than I can take. When you push them, they have insane heals and defenses, when they push you even with capped resistances your HP melts down within seconds. This is the only class that I know I won't stand a chance against no matter what. The only thing I can do is to run away.

    If you want ez mode go for DK.
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
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