After having inherited this guild, a couple of older players have decided to build on that and so we are recruiting.
Our guild is meant for cool and laid back people, no stress. We are mature players and we accept different opinions and lifestyles. We help all new and returning players to find their way on Tamriel.
We do not rush through Dungeons, but do them at our own pace and be a kind of "slow dungeoneers". Ask for a story mode dungeon run in guild chat if you want to have time to do the quest

We have no dues and the guild bank is open for barter after a short waiting period. Guild store is enabled and we will try to hire a trader at a later stage.
We speak English in guild chat but we can help also in French & German. Discord is available but not obligatory.
We are also trying to put a regular trial group together. Still place for raid leaders, feel free to apply.
If this speaks to you, do not hesitate to apply, we are happy to welcome you.
Please apply ingame
@woufff or
We have also now a guild on the NA server, called "EU Rescue" for people playing rarely on the NA server -> no kick for longer absence

See you on Tamriel
Edited by ZOS_Icy on August 28, 2023 6:03PM ...older player so please speak slowly... ;-) - Guild ...still searching ^^