Comrade_Ogilvy wrote: »Perhaps remove the hirleing skill-points from the anomalous character then reset them when you log on to grab hirelings mail with other characters?
I'd expect that should reset timers to be similar across all your characters.
I've not tested this but would be interested to know if it works.
edit: or reset skill-points to account for the next expected hireling mail to synchronise all characters (eg 12hrs before).
hirelings give you their wares 12h (or 24h depending on the skill points) from the last time they mailed you goods on first login after that time frame.
Simply don't log onto that character for the day. Then log into them with the rest of your characters and they be "back on track"
SilverBride wrote: »
I'm not sure why it didn't work the first couple of times I tried it but it's fixed now.
No it doesn't, none of this is correct. I wish it were, it would make my hireling managing so much easier. The timers rotate and reset when you last picked up the mail. I do this every day, I log in and the timers start, if I login late the timers shift. They don't reset to any fixed time.SilverBride wrote: »
I'm not sure why it didn't work the first couple of times I tried it but it's fixed now.
The Timer is set to the time you invest the points.
The reason all the other characters were in sync is you probably skipped a day somewhere and did not play the game. It takes a full 24 hours to "reset" the timer. So, perhaps you did not ignore that character for that amount of time.
If you're on PC and want to maximize hirelings:SilverBride wrote: »Well there was a slight glitch today. I didn't get the mails when I logged in, but got them about an hour later. Still better than not getting them until late afternoon.