I look forward more to the Patch Notes and testing stuff out on the PTS than the actual content when it hits live.
Every discord server I'm in just comes to life when the patch notes drop. There are bits and pieces from there for all aspects of the community to digest! Whether they agree or disagree with the new additions or changes varies wildly, and that just adds to the flavor it all. Different cornerstones of the ESO community join together to lambast a decsion, while others band together to applaud it. Meanwhile some different facets of the community begin pointing fingers and blame each other for changes being made that they don't agree with it. Here are some of my favorite things said in these moments:
- ZOS is catering things to PvE players and are ruining things for PvP players.
- ZOS is catering things to PvP players and are ruining things for PvE players.
- ZOS is catering things to Toxic Endgamers and are ruining things for Casual players.
- ZOS is catering things to Toxic Casuals and are ruining things for Endgame players.
The diversity of it all, I just love it!
Patch Notes: they're like drops of water for the partched throat traversing the Sahara! Personally, I can't wait for tomorrow!