Now that DK's have gotten their long awaited buffs due to exaggerated complaints over the years it's Stamsorcs' turn. Except I don't see any complaints since no one plays SS anymore and the complaints wouldn't be exaggerated. The class is not in a good state; I don't care how well Negate/Bombard monkey setups are doing since I don't run with a large group.
1) Hurricane no longer pulls stealthed/invisible players out of stealth - Sorry What??? This just feels like a slap in the face. The skill lasts 15 sec - shortest armor buff in the game. The damage was heavily nerfed to compensate for a passive that was taken from us a LONG time ago (RIP Implosion) and honestly who cares about Minor Expedition? The only claim that SS still has on being the most mobile class is Streak - achieving capped speed is easy, even my Stamcro is speed capped while sprinting. A Magplar running RAT and Toppling Charge can keep up easily. But yeah, technically, I guess we are the "most mobile," so not the worst at everything I guess.
2) Daedric Summoning has always been an underutilized tree for SS but after the gutting of Health Recovery (another SS staple that was shredded with no compensation) there's really no reason to go out of your way to include passives from this tree into your build. The skills are terrible (like most class skills for SS) but they're especially useless in this case except Atronach and Bound Armaments which not every build can run. In fact many skills, active and passive for Sorc, across all 3 trees, aren't useful for SS.
3) Stamsorc has no way with dealing with the damage of DKs and Templars - it's really not a contest. Honestly for both specs of the Sorc class hit and run is the only option against a good Templar or DK - they have way too much pressure and healing. At least give SS a passive that they take reduced damage or deal increased damage for every negative effect, because as it is DoTs and pressure absolutely destroy Sorcs in general. I have witnessed this on both sides of the fence and Stamsorc is literally a free kill on Magplar or MagDK right now if they don't run away.
I could go on further and tell how each passive is useful/useless to SS (hint - more are useless) and break down some other matchups vs other classes/specs. I'm not going to. I'm disgusted with the state of SS right now - removing Hurricane's ability to pull players out of stealth was the last straw for me. In heavy lag SS has got to be the most unplayable class. Not being able to hit with Light Attacks absolutely kills your entire offensive capability (because of CW) which is the only thing SS has going for it. Hitting Streak and having to wait 2 sec to teleport = death in many cases. I know not being able to Break Free is death for everyone but especially so for arguably the squishiest class. And we can't even be NB hunters without popping a detect pot like everyone else now. That's the part I can't forgive and the main reason I'm posting this rant. So back to Stamcro for me since it literally takes crutching on an overtuned DLC class to deal with the insane pressure of DKs and Templars right now.
All my comments are regarding PvP