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Buff Hurricane/Stamsorc

Now that DK's have gotten their long awaited buffs due to exaggerated complaints over the years it's Stamsorcs' turn. Except I don't see any complaints since no one plays SS anymore and the complaints wouldn't be exaggerated. The class is not in a good state; I don't care how well Negate/Bombard monkey setups are doing since I don't run with a large group.

1) Hurricane no longer pulls stealthed/invisible players out of stealth - Sorry What??? This just feels like a slap in the face. The skill lasts 15 sec - shortest armor buff in the game. The damage was heavily nerfed to compensate for a passive that was taken from us a LONG time ago (RIP Implosion) and honestly who cares about Minor Expedition? The only claim that SS still has on being the most mobile class is Streak - achieving capped speed is easy, even my Stamcro is speed capped while sprinting. A Magplar running RAT and Toppling Charge can keep up easily. But yeah, technically, I guess we are the "most mobile," so not the worst at everything I guess.

2) Daedric Summoning has always been an underutilized tree for SS but after the gutting of Health Recovery (another SS staple that was shredded with no compensation) there's really no reason to go out of your way to include passives from this tree into your build. The skills are terrible (like most class skills for SS) but they're especially useless in this case except Atronach and Bound Armaments which not every build can run. In fact many skills, active and passive for Sorc, across all 3 trees, aren't useful for SS.

3) Stamsorc has no way with dealing with the damage of DKs and Templars - it's really not a contest. Honestly for both specs of the Sorc class hit and run is the only option against a good Templar or DK - they have way too much pressure and healing. At least give SS a passive that they take reduced damage or deal increased damage for every negative effect, because as it is DoTs and pressure absolutely destroy Sorcs in general. I have witnessed this on both sides of the fence and Stamsorc is literally a free kill on Magplar or MagDK right now if they don't run away.

I could go on further and tell how each passive is useful/useless to SS (hint - more are useless) and break down some other matchups vs other classes/specs. I'm not going to. I'm disgusted with the state of SS right now - removing Hurricane's ability to pull players out of stealth was the last straw for me. In heavy lag SS has got to be the most unplayable class. Not being able to hit with Light Attacks absolutely kills your entire offensive capability (because of CW) which is the only thing SS has going for it. Hitting Streak and having to wait 2 sec to teleport = death in many cases. I know not being able to Break Free is death for everyone but especially so for arguably the squishiest class. And we can't even be NB hunters without popping a detect pot like everyone else now. That's the part I can't forgive and the main reason I'm posting this rant. So back to Stamcro for me since it literally takes crutching on an overtuned DLC class to deal with the insane pressure of DKs and Templars right now.

All my comments are regarding PvP
  • universal_wrath
    Just play NB like everyone else, it is the improved version of the stamsorc. It can use hit and run tactic much better, it can one shot without going extra mile of proc sets, it can teleporf, it can go invisible, it can heal through dots, it have a good spammable....etc, in short, play stam blade.

    RIP implusion, RIP 250% hurricane, RIP bound armament toggle, RIP 3rd bar, RIP SS.
  • Larcomar
    I'm sure zos will do a sorc pass at some point. But common, they're really not bad. I mean, if we're talking 'overaggerated complaints....'

    Sorcs still got the best mobility and one of the best escape tools in the game. I mean it's unblockable, a gap closer/escape tool, an AOE and a stun. You can't expect to that all that and expect to have the defensiveness of temps, dks, cros as well

    Indeed, for a class which 'no one plays anymore' I seem to get streak stunned an awful lot and see an awful lot of complaints about just how strong it is. I mean, the forums literally littered with posts calling for it to be nerfed.

    Like universal says, yeah NBs got a whopping buff to cloak and it's probably a bit unfair that hurricane doesn't pull them out of it. They really need to take a look at that. It feels too much like a get out of jail free card at the moment.

    And yeah crit surge cd be upped a bit, and the health recovery passives tweaked. But I'd hardly call them a 'free kill.' A little bit of perspective maybe?
  • WreckfulAbandon
    Larcomar wrote: »
    Sorcs still got the best mobility and one of the best escape tools in the game. I mean it's unblockable, a gap closer/escape tool, an AOE and a stun. You can't expect to that all that and expect to have the defensiveness of temps, dks, cros as well

    It's not good practice to crutch on a single skill. It's so easy to build to be speed capped while sprinting and I don't think Stamsorc has entirely retained the edge it once had in mobility. I love Streak but don't think the rest of the kit should be hobbled because of its power budget.

    Larcomar wrote: »
    Indeed, for a class which 'no one plays anymore' I seem to get streak stunned an awful lot and see an awful lot of complaints about just how strong it is. I mean, the forums literally littered with posts calling for it to be nerfed.

    Nerf sorc meme is well past its day, and was more often than not referring to Magsorc. I'm sure when you are getting stunned by Streak it's usually by a Magsorc. I counted 2 other Stamsorcs while PvPing on Friday night but saw plenty of Magsorcs. The Stamsorcs died more often than their teammates.

    Larcomar wrote: »
    A little bit of perspective maybe?

    Please just look at the entirety of the Magplar toolkit compared to Stamsorc's right now, it doesn't take much insight to see the disparities. Mainly what I'm asking for is a buff to Hurricane and some compensation for nerfed Health Recovery. If they hadn't nerfed Hurricane vs stealthed players I would have just quietly swapped to another build on Friday. But instead I swapped to another build and came to the forums on Saturday to air my complaints.
    PC NA

    All my comments are regarding PvP
  • Larcomar
    Maybe... I wouldn't disagree with you on quite a bit of this. I guess it's a question of perspective - not so much whether, as how much?

    Bottom line, I just don't think it's realistic to compare your class (whatever it may be) to magplars and argue that, given the disparities, you need a rework. I mean, every class needs a rework if magplar is the new power budget. They overbuffed it. Then buffed it again in U31. It's seriously overtuned at the moment and I think everyone knows it. But compared to other classes - what I think as 'normal' classes, sure stamsorcs are due a few tweaks, but I don't think they're that far off.

    I'm mean let's take hurricane as you raised it. It's basically your class armor buff. They all get a little something extra. Sorcs are an aggressive, highly mobile class, so you get minor exped plus a nice aoe off it. On the other hand wardens, say, are maybe a more tanky class, so they get minor protection off it.

    Ofc, as you say, other classes can build for speed. They'd have to give up something to get the same speed (say a cpl of hundred wpn dmg if they changed infused to swift) but they can get there. But that's true of everything. I can get minor protection by slotting an ulti. Hell I can get major protection by slotting a skill now.

    And, at the end of the say, I don't think any class can be *as* mobile as a sorc. I mean, it's not just being at run speed cap, it's being able to run at the speed cap *and* streak on top of it, leaving another player stunned, AOEd... They still seem pretty good to me. And while, when you're left stunned in someone's wake, it can be hard to tell if they were a magsorc or a stamsorc, an awful lot of them seemed to be waving a big assed 2 hander around :)

    All of that said, I don't disagree with you on a lot of it. Magplars are overpowered right now. Cloak is certainly a bit overtuned. And DKs finally got some love. As they've all moved up the ladder a bit, some more some less, that's inevitably pushed stamsorcs down a notch or two. I think it probably is just that - a notch or two - but it's not to say that they couldn't use a pass.

    "Mainly what I'm asking for is a buff to Hurricane and some compensation for nerfed Health Recovery." Not unreasonable demands. Hurricane not pulling Nbs out of stealth feels like quite a big change to gameplay, that went in almost accidentally, while Id guess the Battle spirit shift on health recovery probably hit sorcs harder than any other class. Compared to a necro say which gets passive heals instead of passivehealth recovery, it feels a bit unfair.

    edit - re the good practice not to crutch on a single skill pt. I don' t think it's a single skill but I think its probably true to say that stamsorcs maybe use less class skills than other stams. I meant to say, the thing you didn't menation that Id like to see most is a rework on crystal wep. I struggle with it most of the time in cyro. Honestly I wish they'd just give us a decent spammable.

    Edited by Larcomar on January 31, 2022 11:23AM
  • divnyi
    Bowsorcs are still very strong, both in group and duels.
  • xDeusEJRx
    Make ball of lightning slightly less crap and I have no problems with stam sorc. At least 3 projectiles a second zos, come on now 1 projectile a second isn't gonna protect you from squat in pvp
    Solo PvP'er PS5 NA player

    90% of my body is made of Magblade
  • PvP_Exploiter
    Yeah, they're pretty much the 3rd most popular class behind MagDK and Magplar, but no one plays them anymore?
  • WreckfulAbandon
    My classes are Necro, Sorc, Templar, and DK but I've played all 6 extensively on both stam and magicka.

    I just want to see Stamsorc get a bit of love with Hurricane and a few passives as well. Again it wouldn't be such a big deal to me if they hadn't taken the NB hunter crown from Sorc and given it to Templar.
    Yeah, they're pretty much the 3rd most popular class behind MagDK and Magplar, but no one plays them anymore?

    Well forgive me for not taking your word for it. That's not what I've observed and the exodus of many Stamsorc mains like StaticWave who even listed his complaints with the class before leaving is what sticks out more to me.
    PC NA

    All my comments are regarding PvP
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