Hey! Long post ahead. Just wanted to share a class idea I had for a Monk style class. I'd rather call it Pilgrim based on TESIII's Pilgrim, but chose Wayfarer due to it being based on Ways. I'll naturally ignore numbers since it would be too much effort
Way of the Fist
- Mighty Blow - Punches your enemy with resolute strength, dealing X magic damage.
- X Magicka
- 7 Meters
- Precise Strike (Morph) - Converts into a Stamina ability. Launches a precise punch at your target, dealing X physical damage. Every Fourth cast activates Decisive Strike, which can be used to enhance other abilities.
- X Stamina
- 7 Meters
- Burning Fists (Morph) - Increases Range. Punches the air, launching fiery energy at your target, dealing X fire damage. Every Fourth cast activates Decisive Strike, which can be used to enhance other abilities.
- X Magicka
- 28 Meters.
The thought behind this abilty was to create a simple spammable that would give the flavor of being a monk striking stuff with bare fists. Since class skills can summon different weapons, why couldn't they make we punch enemies?
- Quick Strike - Strikes your foe, dealing X magic damage.
- X Magicka
- 7 Meters.
- Disarming Strike (Morph) - Converts into a Stamina ability. Strikes your foe's arms, dealing X physical damage. Decisive Strike - disarms your opponent for 1 second.
- X Stamina
- 7 Meters
- Impairing Strike (Morph) - Strikes your foe, impairing their magicka flow, dealing X magical damage. Decisive Strike - silences your opponent for 1 second.
- X Magicka
- 7 meters.
- Wind Blow - Dash through the wind to your target dealing X magical damage and dealing Y magical damage over Z seconds.
- X Magicka
- 22 Meters
- Wind Current (Morph) -. Dash through the wind to your target dealing X physical damage and dealing Y magical damage over Z seconds. If an enemy dies while the damage over time portion is active, you may cast this ability again for free. Scales with your highest offensive stats.
- X Magicka
- 22 Meters
- Insert Name Here (Morph) - Dash through the wind to your target dealing X physical damage and dealing Y magical damage over Z seconds. You may recast this ability within 2 seconds to retreat 15 meters away from your target. Scales with your highest offensive stats.
- X Magicka
- 22 meters.
The idea behind this skill was to make the class have a gap closer that would be usable in a dps rotation. The magicka morph would allow ranged Wayfarers to get up close and far away quickly.
- Heartseeker - Strikes your enemies' heart, dealing X magical damage. Only usable by consuming Decisive Strike or when target is at 25% Health or lower.
- X Magicka
- 7 Meters.
- Merciful Strike (Morph) - Converts into a Stamina ability. Strikes your enemies' heart, dealing X physical damage. Deals up to Y% more damage to targets under 25% Health. Only usable by consuming Decisive Strike or when target is at 25% Health or lower.
- X Stamina
- 7 Meters
- Impending Demise (Morph) - Strikes your enemies' heart, dealing X fire damage. Apply Major Defile to target. Only usable by consuming Decisive Strike or when target is at 25% Health or lower.
- X Magicka
- 7 meters.
- This is the reason why ranged characters would want to get up close and then move away again.
- One with the Wind - While active, once per second, your critical direct damage increase your movement speed by x%. While slotted, you gain major savagery and prophecy.
- X Magicka
- Feeble Warrior (Morph) - While active, once per second, your critical direct damage increase your movement speed by x%. Increase your critical chance by y based on your bonus movement speed. While slotted, you gain major savagery and prophecy.
- X Magicka
- Insert Name Here (Morph) - While active, once per second, your critical direct damage increase your movement speed, stamina and magicka regeneration, by x%. While slotted, you gain major savagery and prophecy.
- X Magicka
Way of the Soul
- Rejuvenating Strike - Strike your foe, dealing X damage and healing Y Health to the lowest health target.
- X Magicka
- 7 meters.
- Name Here (Morph) - Strike your foe, dealing X damage and healing Y Health to the lowest health target. Decisive Strike - Heals for Z more.
- X Magicka
- 7 Meters.
- Insert Name Here (Morph) - Strike your foe, dealing X damage and healing Y Health to you. Decisive Strike - You gain Minor Resolve.
- X Magicka
- 7 meters.
- Calm - Talk your enemy into a truce, stunning them for 3 seconds. This stun cannot be blocked.
- X Magicka
- 28 meters.
- Unwillingness (Morph) - Talk your enemy into not fighting, stunning them for 3 seconds. After the stun ends, the target gets major maim. This stun cannot be blocked.
- X Magicka
- 28 Meters.
- Burden (Morph) - Talk your enemy into not fighting, stunning them for 3 seconds. After the stun ends, the target has decreased magicka and stamina restorations. This stun cannot be blocked.
- X Magicka
- 28 meters.
- Rejuvenating Strike - Strike your foe, dealing X damage and healing Y Health to the lowest health target.
- X Magicka
- 7 meters.
- Name Here (Morph) - Strike your foe, dealing X damage and healing Y Health to the lowest health target. Decisive Strike - Heals for Z more.
- X Magicka
- 7 Meters.
- Insert Name Here (Morph) - Strike your foe, dealing X damage and healing Y Health to you. Decisive Strike - You gain Minor Resolve.
- X Magicka
- 7 meters.
- Rally - Increase your allies' weapon and spell power by X for Y seconds.
- X Magicka
- 15 meters.
- Call to Arms (Morph) - Increase your allies' weapon and spell power by X for Y seconds. Increase this bonus based on how full their health bar is.
- X Magicka
- 15 Meters.
- Leadership (Morph) - Increase your allies' weapon and spell power by X for Y seconds. Also heal your allies by Z for the duration.
- X Magicka
- 15 meters.
- Frenzy - Increase the target's damage done and damage taken by x% by y seconds.
- X Magicka
- 28 meters.
- Enrage (Morph) - Increase the target's damage done and damage taken by x% by y seconds. Also grants target Major Vulnerabilty.
- X Magicka
- 28 Meters.
- Bloodthirst (Morph) - Increase your allies' damage done and damage taken by x% by y seconds.
- X Magicka
- 10 meters radius.
Way of the Mind
I haven't given too much thought to this, but it should be a more tanking/defensive oriented skill line. I believe they'd have a longer and less costing Dodge Roll while having reduced block mitigation. If possible, they'd have a way to benefit from wearing non-heavy armor for tanking to ensure the agile archetype, but I'm not sure that'd be possible without breaking the game.