This isn't a new concept, but let me go over the core idea: what if, upon creating a new alt, you could flag your character as an Iron Man or a Hardcore Iron man, which would give you restrictions based on which one you chose? Other games do this to give people a challenge, and it could come with its own set of rewards for players that take on this challenge. I'll give a quick list as to the restrictions an Iron Man would face:
Basic Restrictions (both Hardcore and Normal)
1. You cannot trade with other players or access your account-wide bank or storages. Each Iron Man has their own bank and storage, which only they can access, and you have to upgrade your bank again for this character.
2. You cannot buy from guild stores, but you can sell things in a guild store however you are heavily taxed when doing so (50%-80% profit reduction).
3. You do not gain 1-50 level-up rewards as normal, however there might be Iron-man specific level-up rewards.
4. Your CP is reset on your Iron Man, and you must level it up from 0 starting at level 50. This does not effect any non-iron man characters.
5. Exp in overland content and overland grinding receives a minor buff after level 50, group content exp receives a nerf to match the approximate value of overland exp rates. You do not gain the large exp bonus from completing your daily normal dungeon or BG, but still do gain other normal rewards.
6. You cannot buy helpful things from the cash shop. Things like potions, poisons, crafting coupons, vampire bites, are greyed out for you and cannot be bought. If you buy a crown crate and pull potions, soul gems, food, or exp coupons, they are automatically converted to gems. You can use a banker or merchant you own.
Edit: 7. The Item set journal (the one that lets you remake stuff with transmutes) starts blank for an Iron Man, and must be filled in again manually for this character.
Hardcore Iron Man Restrictions
You have all the Basic Restrictions, plus the following additional restrictions:
1. You cannot trade things to guild stores.
2. You have 3 lives. Once you lose all 3 lives, your character is recorded as an in-game achievement and then deleted. Dying by falling in some circumstances does not consume lives. You can buy up to 2 additional lives for 1 million gold for the first and 5 million gold for the second.\
What do you all think about the restrictions? Should there be more for normal or hardcore?
Edited by merpins on January 20, 2022 10:27PM