adriant1978 wrote: »Has anyone actually read the lore books on Akavir?
I seriously doubt we'll ever get either an expansion to this game or a new single player game for that matter where almost all the characters need to be either a vampire snake, a talking monkey, a tiger-dragon, or a snow demon.
It's way too alien and makes for great background lore and legend but a poor game setting, IMO.
adriant1978 wrote: »Has anyone actually read the lore books on Akavir?
I seriously doubt we'll ever get either an expansion to this game or a new single player game for that matter where almost all the characters need to be either a vampire snake, a talking monkey, a tiger-dragon, or a snow demon.
It's way too alien and makes for great background lore and legend but a poor game setting, IMO.
Also, we get choose 4 new races.
adriant1978 wrote: »Has anyone actually read the lore books on Akavir?
I seriously doubt we'll ever get either an expansion to this game or a new single player game for that matter where almost all the characters need to be either a vampire snake, a talking monkey, a tiger-dragon, or a snow demon.
It's way too alien and makes for great background lore and legend but a poor game setting, IMO.
Einher2137 wrote: »Akavir should be left for new major Elder Scrolls Game, if not VI then for VII.
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »
These "Major" elder scrolls games you speak of barley have 10% of the content that ESO does, ESO is the most major TES game ever made and is the TES game where we can go to places we only dream about going to in the single player games, why should Akavir be any exception?
SidraWillowsky wrote: »
It's still an MMO is the thing. There's no way to properly capture what I imagine the bleak, alien world of Akavir to be like in a game that's fundamentally designed to be a multi-player game.
Imagine if ESO's Vvardenfell was the first time we saw it. The sense of being totally on your own in a brutal, unfamiliar land that you feel in TES III just isn't possible in ESO. Or Blackreach-- ESO's Blackreach doesn't some close to how spectacular, yet lonely and forlorn, Blackreach is in Skyrim.
There's just no way that ESO would be able to adequately capture what I think that Akavir is supposed to feel. There's nothing wrong with that, per se, but an MMO is not the place to introduce such major places.
SidraWillowsky wrote: »There's no way to properly capture what I imagine..
SidraWillowsky wrote: »The sense of being totally on your own in a brutal, unfamiliar land that you feel in TES III just isn't possible in ESO. Or Blackreach-- ESO's Blackreach doesn't some close to how spectacular, yet lonely and forlorn, Blackreach is in Skyrim.
SidraWillowsky wrote: »There's just no way that ESO would be able to adequately capture what I think that Akavir is supposed to feel. There's nothing wrong with that, per se, but an MMO is not the place to introduce such major places.
If they add Akavir into the game I wouldn't want it to be just 1 expansion, or even 1 'year long story'.
All the maps showing it are fan-made, but from the official lore we know Akavir is supposed to be huge, at least the same size as Tamriel. Trying to cram it all into one map and one storyline wouldn't do it justice, it would be disappointing.
I'd much rather have an expansion that focuses on one small part of Akavir and does a good job of showing it. Bear in mind the developers would need to make a lot of new assets, including all new character models because while there might be some humans in Akavir there's no elves, orcs, khajiit or argonians and the races which are there are supposed to be distinctly different. They couldn't even make all the khajiit furstocks for Elseweyr, so I think expecting them to make multiple different races for 1 expansion is too much and we'd end up with re-used argonians and khajiit and humans with some extra bits tacked on.
That's not a criticism of ZOS by the way, I don't think it would be reasonable for any game studio to do the work required to make Akavir well within a year.
That would also leave room to expand into the rest of the continent across subsequent releases. They're going to run out of space in Tamriel sooner or later and while Oblivion offers literally infinite possibilities it would make sense to explore the rest of Nirn as well and rushing through the biggest known continent besides Tamriel is a great way to waste all that potential and again end up stuck running out of space.
Elfdominion4 wrote: »When asked about the ESO roadmap and whether the studio had plans for what to do once it had covered all of Tamriel in future Chapters, Rich Lambert replied: “One of the beauties of The Elder Scrolls universe is it’s not just tied to Tamriel. Tamriel is the giant main continent. There are other continents [and] there are also the infinite worlds of Oblivion that you can go and explore as well.”
Einher2137 wrote: »Akavir should be left for new major Elder Scrolls Game, if not VI then for VII.