First off, I want to say that if there's something ZOS has succeeded on in the past year, it's listening to the playerbase's requests for motif styles. Players had long been asking for more motifs that showed skin to display the large number of body markings and skins in-game, and this game truly delivered in that aspect with Waking Flame, Crimson Oath, Deadlands Gladiator, and several other additions.
These motifs have given us many new options for short skirt styles, where previously only Mazzatun was an option. Something I'd want to see as well is the addition of more good looking maxi skirt styles. Most long skirts are tied only to robes, which is limiting if you want to mix and match chest pieces with a particular skirt. As of now, the only motifs that have long skirts separate from their chest style are Daedric skirt, Fang Lair, and Sapiarch. All 3 of these motifs are rather old in comparison to what we have now, and it shows. The design team has consistently improved upon the appearance of motifs, with new ones featuring elements that actually layer upon each other, as opposed to having a 2D "painted-on" appearance. The skirts in these motifs have very plain, flat, and uninteresting silhouettes that just bend around the legs. I understand that adding complex cloth physics is not realisitic with the current engine, but costumes like the Shimmerene Soiree are examples of skirts that I believe do a good job in breaking the mold in terms of silhoutte style, a skirt that has more fullness and body to it and doesn't look limp and flat.
My dream addition to the game would be a simple single-colored skirt with a fuller silhoutte similar to the Soiree gown with no added embellishments, just plain looking cloth that would lend itself to a LOT of versatility when mixing and matching with the myriad of chest motifs we have.

Something like this ^ (not my drawing)
Edited by M4RSHM4LL0W_CL0UD on January 14, 2022 3:00AM