Veya Releth the companion

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I have seen people suggest this, I have previously also suggested the idea myself but never really immersed into thinking what it would look like, until recently. Well, here is what I have in mind.

For me, 60% of my time is spent pvp-ing in Cyrodiil, however I find it better just being left alone when I'm chilling in pve areas doing quests and exploring, so the companions are great additions to the game, especially if you are a solo-quester. I remember in Skyrim that I couldn't do without the companions, but I couldn't do with the same companion for too long either as it gets boring. So I think the best next step for the companion mechanic would be increasing the variety of companions to choose from +more customization options. I really don't want to pay separately for each new companion, so I think it is best to just include them as part of new and old zones, as every zone providing one new companion would make buying a DLC a bit more tempting for me.

If you haven't finished the Balmora questline of the Morrowind DLC and the Nocturnal questline of the Summerset DLC you will see spoilers here.

Veya Releth

- Being a former Morag Tong, the companion is of Nightblade class
- Rapport increase with Blade of Woe kills, with a cooldown of 1 minute maybe. (Both Mirri and Bastian get rapport decrease with Blade of Woe)
- Rapport increase with poison brewing.
- A good chunk of Rapport increase by completing the repeatable Dark Brotherhood assassination quests (the same way as Mirri/Ashlander quests).
- Minor rapport decrease when the player is spotted by enemies in a restricted area
- Companion bonus for stealth abilities (better stamina whilst crouching, decreased distance of being spotted when sneaking, 10% chance increase for stealth actions etc.)

The list can be expanded, but the basic idea is that Veya likes most things that Bastian and Mirri don't, so you don't have to worry about sticking to a certain playstyle when you are with a companion.

Companion Personal quests
- As Morag Tong is after Veya, one of the personal quests could be related to that storyline. Defending against Morag Tong or simply running away? I don't know.
- Hunting down the remainder of her brother's killers? Or maybe trying to make up for the damage she caused in Balmora by doing good deeds, trying to fix herself? Visit Mama Releth while at it? Again, there could be a myriad of creative options when it comes to personal quests so I don't know, the quest could even be on something completely new about Veya that we didn't know before.

Is this going to break the lore?

No, as this is what happens in the original questline:

During the Family Reunion quest, you choose to either kill her or spare her.

If you spare Veya:

- You encounter her in Vivec City docks with Naryu, before she leaves for Summerset.
- She becomes the Champion of Nocturnal and appears as "Shadow Veya" in Summerset.

If you choose not to spare Veya:

- Naryu tells you that she killed Veya (then reveals that she did not kill her)
- You don't encounter her in the docks
- The Champion of Nocturnal becomes someone else, namely Shadow Tundilwen.

Hypothetically if you take her as a companion:

- You encounter her in Vivec City docks before she leaves for Summerset, have the option to have her as a companion during that last dialogue.
- The Champion of Nocturnal is Shadow Tundilwen again, just as what happens if Veya is "killed" in the original storyline.

I think it makes much more sense to team up with an NPC that you've spent a considerable amount of time questing and interacting with, in comparison to a designated random companion person pledging their allegiance to you forever after a small favour. Honestly I like Mirri and Bastian but there are some storyline NPC's that I would choose over them as a companion without a second thought. However, I also agree that this distinction must be made correctly when it comes to which NPC can be a follower and which can not be, I wouldn't like to see a Queen Ayrenn companion lurking in a delve killing scamps with a level 25 xxMemeCReaM32xx. But again, to each their own.

  • Jaimeh
    Leaving aside the re-writing of the story, we already have a NB class companion in Miri. But I agree, that I'd prefer it if they offered future companions along with the dlc's, rather than decide to add them in the cash shop.
  • SammyKhajit
    Homicidal lady with an anger issue? Sure :#

    This one really detests Veya. Went round that silly town trying to help her and her brother, then she goes, “IMMA KILL U!” And Sammy’s like, “What he do????!!!”
  • VaranisArano
    Frankly, I liked seeing what happened to Shadow Veya through the Daedric Wars arc, and would not be a big fan of having that story rewritten from what my characters experienced.

    Now, I realize that ZOS is a big fan of not allowing fan favorite characters to stay dead, so perhaps she can come back to life for a future storyline.
  • SammyKhajit
    Forgot to add:

    Bump into said angry lady again in Summerset, this time power-charged by Daedric Prince and still tried to kill Sammy.

    No thank you to angry lady. Could kill Sammy at any time.

    Edited to clarify it was a Daedric Prince/Second Litter (khajit terminology) who did the turbo charging.
    Edited by SammyKhajit on January 13, 2022 4:38AM
  • SerasWhip
    Homicidal lady with an anger issue? Sure :#

    This one really detests Veya. Went round that silly town trying to help her and her brother, then she goes, “IMMA KILL U!” And Sammy’s like, “What he do????!!!”

    Judging by this, I imagine this one would also hate to see Lyranth become available as a houseguest or something :D Oh wait.
  • SammyKhajit
    SerasWhip wrote: »

    Judging by this, I imagine this one would also hate to see Lyranth become available as a houseguest or something :D Oh wait.

    Lyranth is keeping Arox company at this one’s humble abode. With plenty of cakes 🎂
  • Vevvev
    SerasWhip wrote: »

    Judging by this, I imagine this one would also hate to see Lyranth become available as a houseguest or something :D Oh wait.

    Sees Lyranth and pulls out the Blade of Woe.
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • Grizzbeorn
    Vevvev wrote: »
    Sees Lyranth and pulls out the Blade of Woe.

    Blade of Woe doesn't work on strong characters.
      PC/NA Warden Main
    • phaneub17_ESO
      I believe they plan on keeping companions as original characters only, not one that already exists in the game so you don't have that issue of running into them while they are also following you at the same time. Also I doubt they will duplicate any class or race already established as a companion since Mirri is the Dunmer Nightblade, it won't come back to either one until they fill out the rest.
    • SerasWhip
      I believe they plan on keeping companions as original characters only, not one that already exists in the game so you don't have that issue of running into them while they are also following you at the same time. Also I doubt they will duplicate any class or race already established as a companion since Mirri is the Dunmer Nightblade, it won't come back to either one until they fill out the rest.

      Valid points, but I see it this way: I rather have the risk of bumping into my companion during a one-time quest rather than bumping into the designated companions every time I visit a city, as everyone hangs around with the designated companions, there are clones of Mirris and Bastians, which for me is more detrimental to the immersion.
      Edited by SerasWhip on January 13, 2022 6:11AM
    • Chips_Ahoy
      I want Lady Clarisse Laurent as a companion, although I think she would end up giving me orders.
    • RPGplayer13579
      I would prefer Naryu Virian as a companion. As well as many others who didn't try to kill me twice and also didn't try to destroy all of Nirn.
      My Characters.

      Mike Snow - Imperial - Templar - One-Handed and Shield - Tank - Daggerfall Covenant - Commander.
      Catelyn Rivers - Breton - Sorcerer - Destruction Staff - Daggerfall Covenant - Telvanni Magister.
      Ashara Sand - Redguard - Warden - Two-Handed/One-Handed and Shield - Daggerfall Covenant - Heroic.
      Tormund gro-Largash - Orsimer - Dragonknight - Two-Handed - Daggerfall Covenant - Furious.
      Lysa Rivers - Breton - Nightblade - Bow/One-Handed and Shield - Vampire - Daggerfall Covenant - Brassy Assassin.

      Jon Karstark - Nord - Dragonknight - Two-Handed - Ebonheart Pact - Drunk.
      Arya Sand - Dunmer - Dragonknight - Dual Wield - Ebonheart Pact - Assassin.
      Sansa Snow - Impeial - Warden - Destruction Staff/One-Handed and Shield - Ebonheart Pect - Swashbuckler.
      Jojen Reed-Walker - Argonian - Templar - Restoration Staff - Healer - Ebonheart Pact - Melancholy.
      Alys Karstark - Nord - Nightblade - Bow/Dual Wield - Ebonheart Pact - Minstrel.

      Nymeria Woods - Bosmer - Nightblade - Bow - Aldmeri Dominion - Thief.
      Brandon Wings - Altmer - Templar - Restoration Staff - Healer - Aldmeri Dominion - Scholar.
      Lyanna Flowers - Altmer - Sorcerer - Sword/Destruction Staff - Aldmeri Dominion - Duchess.
      Marvolo-jo Riddle - Khajiit - Necromancer - Destruction Staff - Aldmeri Dominion - Deadlands Firewalker.
      Obara Woods - Bosmer - Templar - Bow - Werewolf - Aldmeri Dominion - Cheerful.

    • SerasWhip
      I would prefer Naryu Virian as a companion. As well as many others who didn't try to kill me twice and also didn't try to destroy all of Nirn.

      that really narrows down the list
    • SammyKhajit
      SerasWhip wrote: »

      that really narrows down the list

      No no plenty on the list of do gooders:

      Lerisa <3
      Caska <3<3
      Khamira <3<3<3
      Clan Mother Tadali (too many 💕)

      Those who only tried to kill Sammy once, inadvertently:

      The Green Lady
    • SerasWhip

      No no plenty on the list of do gooders:

      Lerisa <3
      Caska <3<3
      Khamira <3<3<3
      Clan Mother Tadali (too many 💕)

      Those who only tried to kill Sammy once, inadvertently:

      The Green Lady

      do gooders wont give ya rapport increase for using the Blade of Woe or for any other sneaky stuff!
    • RPGplayer13579
      Here are some options, too many names to type out so I will just copy and paste. Let me know if you want more possible companions. These characters are connected to the thieves guild. I can do this again for characters connected to the dark brotherhood.

      Zeira (Guildmaster)
      Aconia Getha
      Anbi Fence
      Anton Jenole
      Balen Hlaalu
      Brucus Gurges
      Esunil the Fleet
      Hola Fair-Hair
      Illia Gabinia
      Maxelle Carsitien
      Nicolas (Former Guildmaster)
      Norerama Moneylender
      Pirharri the Smuggler
      Spencer Rye
      Tavrina Merchant
      Edited by RPGplayer13579 on January 13, 2022 9:51AM
      My Characters.

      Mike Snow - Imperial - Templar - One-Handed and Shield - Tank - Daggerfall Covenant - Commander.
      Catelyn Rivers - Breton - Sorcerer - Destruction Staff - Daggerfall Covenant - Telvanni Magister.
      Ashara Sand - Redguard - Warden - Two-Handed/One-Handed and Shield - Daggerfall Covenant - Heroic.
      Tormund gro-Largash - Orsimer - Dragonknight - Two-Handed - Daggerfall Covenant - Furious.
      Lysa Rivers - Breton - Nightblade - Bow/One-Handed and Shield - Vampire - Daggerfall Covenant - Brassy Assassin.

      Jon Karstark - Nord - Dragonknight - Two-Handed - Ebonheart Pact - Drunk.
      Arya Sand - Dunmer - Dragonknight - Dual Wield - Ebonheart Pact - Assassin.
      Sansa Snow - Impeial - Warden - Destruction Staff/One-Handed and Shield - Ebonheart Pect - Swashbuckler.
      Jojen Reed-Walker - Argonian - Templar - Restoration Staff - Healer - Ebonheart Pact - Melancholy.
      Alys Karstark - Nord - Nightblade - Bow/Dual Wield - Ebonheart Pact - Minstrel.

      Nymeria Woods - Bosmer - Nightblade - Bow - Aldmeri Dominion - Thief.
      Brandon Wings - Altmer - Templar - Restoration Staff - Healer - Aldmeri Dominion - Scholar.
      Lyanna Flowers - Altmer - Sorcerer - Sword/Destruction Staff - Aldmeri Dominion - Duchess.
      Marvolo-jo Riddle - Khajiit - Necromancer - Destruction Staff - Aldmeri Dominion - Deadlands Firewalker.
      Obara Woods - Bosmer - Templar - Bow - Werewolf - Aldmeri Dominion - Cheerful.

    • Snamyap
      I would prefer Naryu Virian as a companion. As well as many others who didn't try to kill me twice and also didn't try to destroy all of Nirn.

      I'd prefer some evil doers. Had a bit of hope Arox would turn out to be a surprise companion, when it was clear he was originally a titan (and not a humanoid) I let out a deep sigh.
    • SerasWhip
      Here are some options, too many names to type out so I will just copy and paste. Let me know if you want more possible companions.

      my response to you was an attempt at humor but thanks for the list anyways I guess. I mean yeah there are characters who hold better moral values in comparison to Veya but that's like kinda the point dude. Not all companions should be saints who get mad at you for picking torchbugs. Some companions should like you for more radical stuff, and the player may choose their companions in accordance with their own playstyle.
    • ajkb78

      Lyranth is keeping Arox company at this one’s humble abode. With plenty of cakes 🎂

      Lyranth just went off to do some Lyranth stuff. Nothing to stop her coming back now and then to chill out with Arox at my house. Veya on the other hand... Veya's dead, baby.

      I think veya would be a terrible choice as a companion. I don't really want any current in-game NPCs to become companions but if I had to pick one for the crime-tolerating one I'd go for Elam Drals. Equally happy to help you murder people but not a complete nutcase, and much drier wit.

      But really I think companions should be new NPCs.
    • NotaDaedraWorshipper
      Not only do we already have a female dunmer who is a nightblade, but also:

      Veya is already an existing character with a story, including an end.
      She tried to kill our character more than once.
      She tried to end the world as we know it.
      It makes no sense she would approve of Blade of Woe, not as her former Morag Tong in training, nor as Nocturnal's follower.
      Same goes for the DB dailies.
      And as a personal opinion, I loathed her. She dumb.

      It do break the lore.

      We need more companions with varied morals and personalities, but they should be new characters to not break exisiting stories (and new characters are nice. Not seeing the same bunch over and over again).
      For everyone's blade of woe stabbing needs, what we require is a character who is a Dark Brotherhood member or a Shadowscale. Not some doofus who ended up trying to end the world because of a bunch of stupid reasons.
      Edited by NotaDaedraWorshipper on January 13, 2022 3:40PM
      [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
    • SerasWhip
      Not only do we already have a female dunmer who is a nightblade, but also:

      Veya is already an existing character with a story, including an end.
      She tried to kill our character more than once.
      She tried to end the world as we know it.
      It makes no sense she would approve of Blade of Woe, not as her former Morag Tong in training, nor as Nocturnal's follower.
      Same goes for the DB dailies.
      And as a personal opinion, I loathed her. She dumb.

      It do break the lore.

      We need more companions with varied morals and personalities, but they should be new characters to not break exisiting stories (and new characters is nice. Not seeing the same bunch over and over again).
      For everyone's blade of woe stabbing needs, what we require is a character who is a Dark Brotherhood member or a Shadowscale. Not some doofus who ended up trying to end the world because of a bunch of stupid reasons.

      Nah nah nah nah, it do not be break the lore, Veya questline is open ended, you either kill Veya, or Shadow Tundilwen, in Summerset so how the story ends is up to you.

      It's fine that you don't like the character, I have some characters that I don't like whom are actually very liked by the majority, no worries.

      However though, she literally uses a dagger similar to the Blade of Woe, with the same execution moveset, she got kicked out of Tong but she's still a wannabe assassin, there is no reason why she wouldn't like DB dailies and not approve of the Blade of Woe! Yeah you got the edgy guys like Elam Drals and Naryu but imo they are a bit too cool to join you, if we are too concerned about the canon that is. Veya on the other hand is just an astray teen that you could mentor and actually has a liking to you, remember she attacked you the first time not because she hated you, but because you got in her way. And then she said sowwy too.
    • RaddlemanNumber7
      If she isn't dead she is the property of a Daedric Prince.
      PC EU
    • NotaDaedraWorshipper
      SerasWhip wrote: »

      Nah nah nah nah, it do not be break the lore, Veya questline is open ended, you either kill Veya, or Shadow Tundilwen, in Summerset so how the story ends is up to you.

      It's not open ended. The story is supposed to have Veya, Tundilwen doesn't even have a lore page anywhere. Her name just brings you to Veya. But sure, lets say Tundilwen was made a proper different character. That still doesn't change anything for the big group of people who have done the story and it's Veya. You can't have a companion like that, especially not when the story is heavily leaned to be done starting with Morrowind.
      SerasWhip wrote: »
      However though, she literally uses a dagger similar to the Blade of Woe, with the same execution moveset, she got kicked out of Tong but she's still a wannabe assassin, there is no reason why she wouldn't like DB dailies and not approve of the Blade of Woe! Yeah you got the edgy guys like Elam Drals and Naryu but imo they are a bit too cool to join you, if we are too concerned about the canon that is. Veya on the other hand is just an astray teen that you could mentor and actually has a liking to you, remember she attacked you the first time not because she hated you, but because you got in her way. And then she said sowwy too.

      She uses a dagger, not a Blade of Woe. The execution movesets is because that's the animation ESO got for sneaky kills, so that's what they are gonna use.
      The Blade of Woe is not some ordinary dagger, it's a dagger that supposedly sends its victims to the Void and Sithis. Same as the Dark Brotherhood aren't some ordinary assassins. They are a murder cult who worships Sithis, and are even an enemy to the Morag Tong. They don't like eachother. So there are plenty of reasons to why she wouldn't approve of blade of woe and DB dailies.

      There are too many illogical loops and jumps for it to make any sense.
      [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
    • SerasWhip

      It's not open ended. The story is supposed to have Veya, Tundilwen doesn't even have a lore page anywhere. Her name just brings you to Veya. But sure, lets say Tundilwen was made a proper different character. That still doesn't change anything for the big group of people who have done the story and it's Veya. You can't have a companion like that, especially not when the story is heavily leaned to be done starting with Morrowind.

      She uses a dagger, not a Blade of Woe. The execution movesets is because that's the animation ESO got for sneaky kills, so that's what they are gonna use.
      The Blade of Woe is not some ordinary dagger, it's a dagger that supposedly sends its victims to the Void and Sithis. Same as the Dark Brotherhood aren't some ordinary assassins. They are a murder cult who worships Sithis, and are even an enemy to the Morag Tong. They don't like eachother. So there are plenty of reasons to why she wouldn't approve of blade of woe and DB dailies.

      There are too many illogical loops and jumps for it to make any sense.

      I didn't say she used the Blade of Woe. I said she uses a similar dagger with a similar moveset. I meant it wouldn't look strange to see an affliation with her and the weapon as she already uses something similar in style minus the lore behind the weapon. I also don't think she would object to the usage of the Blade of Woe, considering her character/mindset in general.

      Morag Tong hates Veya and Veya likely hates Morag Tong as they are openly hunting her down, how does it not make sense for her to like the guys (DB) who hate Morag Tong?

      Well, some people kill Tundilwen and some Veya, some people didn't even play the chapter because they don't have Summerset, if they never buy Summerset Veya and Naryu will forever be in Vivec Docks arguing and still interactable. If the ones who killed Veya in Summerset find the addition of the companion very detrimental to the game they may simply not choose to have the companion join them. I simply would still have the companion and just make up some excuse from my mind even if I killed her, but no one is forced to include the companion in their game if they wouldn't like so. I still haven't saved Bastian but I am not asking people to not hang around with Bastian because he is still not rescued in my game. Just as I wouldn't expect people to not have Veya as a companion because I killed Shadow Veya and not Tundilwen in my game.

      Also want to add, there was a festival quest where you recall a random dead NPC and they show up as ghosts. If you killed Tundilwen in Summerset Veya would not show up amongst the ghosts, meaning she is not Tundilwen, and still alive, if that's the route the player has taken of course.
    • Ilsabet
      My understanding was always that Veya becomes Nocturnal's Earl regardless of the choice you make in Balmora (which is why the "kill her" choice turns into "Naryu ships her off to Summerset anyway," because that's their narrative workaround for getting Veya to Summerset so she can still become Nocturnal's Earl). She takes the name Tundilwen to represent the break from her old life, as her journal entries reveal her growing rejection of that life as she embraces Nocturnal's calling. (And of course narratively, it's a way to avoid spoilers if the character can be referred to as Tundilwen instead of Veya-who-you-might-have-thought-was-dead.)

      So I'm not sure there's canon grounds for saying that Veya and Tundilwen are two different people if the player chooses to tell Naryu to kill Veya in Balmora. We know Naryu doesn't kill her, and ships her off to Summerset, so why would the Nocturnal's Earl who looks and acts exactly like Veya in Summerset not be Veya, even as she's bristling and insisting that you call her Tundilwen now?
    • bmnoble
      Why would someone who was with the Morag tong even someone who went into the service of a Daedra that has no relation to Sithis, suddenly get a rapport increase from us using the blade of woe? The Morag tong hate the brotherhood just as much if not more than the current companions.
    • spartaxoxo
      Warning: This post discusses spoilers for both Summerset and Morrowind.

      She's former Morag Tong and did NOT leave them behind because she wanted to but rather because she needed to break their code, so I don't know why someone who worshipped a different Daedra and was a former member of an enemy faction suddenly be getting rapport for Dark Brotherhood contracts. Even when she was serving her prince, she was doing so because she thought it would make the world a better place, she doesn't just really really love killing but sees it as a means to an end. She probably still wouldn't like the DB.

      Also, she's dead, you can see her ghost in the Old Life Festival after Summerset. Rather than a character being brought back from the dead just to act like they never died, we should have a character that's actually alive.

      Shadow Tundilwen is still Veya, Darien mentions right in the quest dialogue that you maybe viewing time out of order in this quest because the player may not have met him yet, the same is obviously gonna be true of Veya. Whether or not you ask Naryu to kill her, her letters revealing she is Tundilwen are scattered throughout Summerset regardless. It's just that if you hadn't met her yet, Tundilwen has no reason to reveal herself to you. If you choose to kill Veya in Morrowind, when she sees you in Summerset she says this:

      Vestige: You're supposed to be dead. Naryu killed you in Balmora.
      Veya: Naryu is a liar and a coward. She pretends to be a cold-hearted killer, but she couldn't bring herself to spill my blood.
      Instead, she sent me away. Shipped me off to protect me, she said. To save me. More likely she just wanted to save herself.

      A new member of the Brotherhood would make more sense. They could gain rapport from using the blade of woe, doing the DB repeatables, stealing, large rapport from doing the Sacrament daily and doing the litany of blood or viewing the completed one for the first time. They could dislike being spotted and using most shrines but not wayshrines. So like if you were to respec your points, you could lose minor rapport. The big rapport loss could come from you paying guards to clear your bounty (rather than using edict or fence).

      Edited by spartaxoxo on January 14, 2022 10:04AM
    • MasterSpatula
      Possibly my single least-favorite character in the entire game, a character whose absolute self-involvement and unreasoning sense of self-righteousness got several people killed, some innocents, and nearly resulted in a calamity that would have threatened everyone on Nirn? A character whose unwillingness to use even utter-baseline-level empathy qualifies her as the rare being who is genuinely irredeemable?

      Sure, why not.
      "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
    • ive_wonder
      I think between Naryu and Veya it's more possible for Naryu to become a companion.
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