35-45k dps might have been king back then but that was on an unbuffed dummy. DPS might have been somewhere closer to 60k in a optimal trial setting.
This ^ The dps back then was not calculated in the iron atro dummy. As for getting into trials, OP, start with training guilds or with mid-game guilds, these usually don't have dps/cp requirements, besides cp160. If you learn mechanics while you work on your rotation, your dps in fights will improve, and you will have logs/parses you can share to get into more trials, and so on.
francesinhalover wrote: »
I have joined a insane amount of guilds and non do trial runs.
Join discord they say. I get there last trialmonths ago.
I now join guilds with cp requirements...and same issue
Must be a eu thing. But i cant find guilds that do trials regularly.
Some others do 1 trial a week.
The few guilds i joined that did do vcr the trial i most wanted kicked me because my dps is 86k or because i play stam and not mag.
Its like i said im getting frustrated and losing the hype for the game.
I used to play for hours now i open the game try to find guilds, get anxiety and close it.
I really hate perfected gear and skins too.
Some people just will never get it. And it ruins certain aspects of the game for them.
BlackArgonian wrote: »There was a time many years ago when content would get nerfed, the endgame community didn't like that, they still don't like that. So content like veteran Maw of Lorkaj is still nearly impossible for most craglorn randoms. Endgame will continue to die off because its just too difficult for most players. It would be nice to hop on a non craglorn veteran trial with randoms and have it take 30 minutes to an hour, not 1-4 hours.
The players who live on the game and run hard modes can keep the hard mode difficulty as it is. Let them play the scoreboard "I'm better than you" competitive egotistical mind set in PvE for some reason. Rich Lambert (Creative Director) even stated the reason that we can't use armory companion in veteran trials is because of scoreboards so yes, the endgame community HM players are mostly to blame for our state of the game.
Some people just want to get their collection items, just like some people just want trifecta then they forget about the content. PC EU also by the way, where we also have to deal with language barrier issues.
It was once said you can't raise the floor without raising the ceiling. My proposition is lower the height requirement, but some people just like looking down on others.
Latest trial, Rockgrove is doable with Craglorn pugs. Its easier than vSS or vCR. Cant make them too easy. They're supposed to be the endgame afterall.
I really hope you're being sarcastic in this post. vCR and vSS dont even compare to vRG. vRG has the biggest dps check out of any trial in the game thus far.
I really hope you're being sarcastic in this post. vCR and vSS dont even compare to vRG. vRG has the biggest dps check out of any trial in the game thus far.
The PC community is huge, and if the group you're in isn't okay with your dps output, I promise you there will be 30 other groups who will be just fine with it. Every group has different goals and expectations, and that's absolutely fine. Just keep looking.
francesinhalover wrote: »
I have been on several guilds. Im on 8 atm on discord. They rarely do trials.
And the ones that do once a week maybe*
Ask for combat metrics, achievement logs, experience , mage class, addons instaled, etc.
So my stam isnt welcomed.
I signed in one and they just ignored me. I even had shown parses.
At this point i and many just ignore trials exist
A great option is to form your own regular raid team. It is work and as a good raid leader, you will set your own requirements. You can be your own solution. Someone has to do it.
^^ Exactly this.
In general it's really hard to help respond to posts such as this. The scenario OP is describing is very weird and not what I have ever encountered. It's also very likely information is omitted that may help explain why OP was ignored.
Where's the dps check? I've pugged it like theres no tomorrow and I haven't seen any.
For sure add pulls are messy if dps is low but with pugs they sometimes kill 1 big add at the time and wipe. Its slow but its doable. Boss fights: Snake boss, just parse, no mechs, no engage, no dps check. Tanks just need to interrupt and even 10k dps can kill it eventually.
1st real boss (Oax) As long as you dps the adds when they spawn, you only get 1 at the time. No dps race. Yes, frogs can become a problem if dps is too low but then stop dps on boss and kill frogs. Ideally tanks chain them to boss so they get cleaved. Its the same mechanics throughout the fight. No dps check just gotta prioritize targets. I've done it with group dmg as low as 100k.
2nd boss, Bahsei. Same thing, kill adds as they spawn. Its also % based like the 1st boss. Theres no dps check, you can take all the time you need. Yes there are the meteors after 30%, but you can hardly call them a dps check. It only has like 3-400k hp and it only takes 2-3 ppl to kill it.
Last boss is just parse dummy basically. The only thing that low dps can cause is when boss splits into 3 and you cant kill the real one fast enough, you get the big add, who creates fire donut on ground and ppl need to stand inside it.
Now vSS lol. Most pug groups fail miserably and disband at frost dragon. Not only no one wants to do or even knows the tomb mechanics, half the pug healers cant even heal them and cause them to blow up. Then unlike vRG, you get severely punished for low dps. The lower the dps, the more atros you get. And I know you can turn and kill atros during fight but theres 2 storm ones per every ice atro and alot of pug groups are not capable even killing 4 storms during flight. Same with the fire dragon. If dps is low, there will be too many atros for the pug tank to handle. And alot of times dps cant clear the fire ones even if they were stacked nicely. And then there's the last boss portals which require certain amount of dps and staying alive. Theres nothing like that in RG.
vCR, 99% of the pugs dont even know that you need 2 portal teams and even when explaned they always fail anyways for some reason.
Rockgrove is definitely one of the easiest vet dlc trials and totally pugable with some coaching as long as tanks are decent. For sure mechanics needs to be followed and not every pug group clears it but theres no dps checks. Theoretically, you could clear it with 8 x 10k DDs.
vAA and vHRC has higher dps requirements lol because they actually have "dps checks "
francesinhalover wrote: »Trials like vmol were made in a time were 35-45k dps was the best most players did. And thats one of the hardest trials.
Now a days people kick you from guilds, trials, insult you.
If you do less than 100k
Like what the hell. The more i try to get in to trials the more i dislike the game mode