I thought about what content do I want to have in ESO...
The only real content we have is based around combat and I would love to see something different which other MMOs don't really have.
So, how about runing your own business which you can expand over all of Tamriel? legal or illegal business is up to you. Personaly, I want to run a skooma business ofcourse
Your business can become so much successful so that ppl will know about it and will be able to invest into it...well, except skooma business
Though illegal should be more profitable, at least at start, but have higher risks of losing your goods because of you know...Vvardenfell Drug Enforcement Administration or something else
Risks is higher the more 'popular' you become...you can even be attacked on the streets by DEA or some other criminal group
As for llegal business...anything...like relic hunting or alcohol\furnishing\armor\weapons production etc...develop business relationship with cities\countries, risks because of economy problems in countries\cities, you can be millionare today and a beggar tomorrow
risks of losing your goods during shipments, necessity in hiring guards for your shipment.
Such content shouldn't be handled as minigame. Half of it is UI based, like tracking your shipments, business relationship\network, hiring, production other half should be handled by yourself, making deals, picking up some stuff, tempting the Khajiit with your special skooma stuff or some Nordic Thane with your own Jack Daniels.
Shouldn't be timegated. Do it whole day if you want. Shouldn't be too casual, especially on higher levels, should be competitve on higher levels(?), really profitable(same level as auction profit) if everything is done right.
Such content is unique, but complex and I think most player base are insterested in combat content, more than economy, thus chances that it'll be implemented and implemented properly isn't that high, to say the least...but anyway I'm really curious what do you think? Do you want to run your own Skooma business?:D