Bounties of Blackwood event ever coming back?

This is likely a silly question but what is the likelihood of this event coming back? I know it’s probably next to nothing. Only asking because I missed the event and just found out you can get an Ogrim Target Dummy! I’m so bummed I missed the event but more bummed I didn’t get that Ogrim Target dummy. If they released just thought, I’d buy it in a heartbeat!
Edited by TheBalance on January 10, 2022 3:54AM
  • Elsonso
    TheBalance wrote: »
    This is likely a silly question but what is the likelihood of this event coming back? I know it’s probably next to nothing. Only asking because I missed the event and just found out you can get an Ogrim Target Dummy! I’m so bummed I missed the event but more bummed I didn’t get that Ogrim Target dummy. If they released just thought, I’d buy it in a heartbeat!

    No, probably not. If they have a Blackwood event, my guess is that it will be the normal Event Ticket thing. We will be doing daily quests and killing things, per usual. No special nesting doll prizes.
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