I like DLC dungeons

I realise people have alot of fear around these things, but i always get excited when it comes up on random. Some more runs to familiarise myself with mechanics , get better at running and fill the collection book its a win win i reckon! It has its hazards in random who you get paired with, but its just quick adaptation and problem solving on the fly i like that. Im a bit more mindful of my rushing through of late as i was kicked from a couple of dungeons for doing so. So i find myself gauging what each group i get put with is about and act accordingly.im not exactly desperate for the transmutes of late anyway just enjoy running the content and its all practice at the end of the day. Im not a super duper dps/tank/healer but i hold my own in dlc vet and vet base, vet trials are just not made for me but i still really enjoy the content i can do in this game.
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on April 24, 2022 7:27PM
  • Parasaurolophus
    DLC dungeons are perhaps the best content. I also do not understand why people hate them so much here on the forum. In myself, I rarely meet people who would be so negative about dlc dungeons.
  • Chaos2088
    I love DLC dungeons, what i dont like is people queing/grping up for a role they are not doing....
    @Chaos2088 PC EU Server | AD-PvP
  • Nogawd
    Chaos2088 wrote: »
    I love DLC dungeons, what i dont like is people queing/grping up for a role they are not doing....

    In normals it's completely irrelevant.
  • ixthUA
    They drop the best gear for sure.
    Edited by ixthUA on January 9, 2022 2:45PM
  • AlnilamE
    They are definitely fun. And going into a dungeon where pretty much every boss will give you something for your sticker book is nice too...
    The Moot Councillor
  • BlueRaven
    If you have an organized group they are fun.

    If you run them via a pug, they are not.

    That is the issue.
  • spartaxoxo
    I agree they are fun
  • spartaxoxo
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    If you have an organized group they are fun.

    If you run them via a pug, they are not.

    That is the issue.

    Morelike if you run them with too low dps. PUGs are fine with people who aren't doing less damage than a full support tank
    Edited by spartaxoxo on January 9, 2022 2:50PM
  • ShawnLaRock
    I love that they used to legit scare me. Lol.

    Like - with any of the vanilla dungeons, I could be 1 hand running to the first mob while eating a sandwich in the other hand, nonchalantly… but even in DLC dungeons that I know super well - I still straighten-up in my chair, check my food and potions, and take a deep breath, before I dive in.

    I like that they occupy a place that requires more attention and focus.

  • Seraphayel
    Nogawd wrote: »

    In normals it's completely irrelevant.

    Not in DLC dungeons though. They require people to know what’s going on and to know how to play their character properly. 99% of the base game dungeons don’t.
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • Drdeath20
    The mechanics are not overtly complex but most of them require coordination and that along with weak dps will make or break your experience.
  • Araneae6537
    I enjoy DLC dungeons too and it’s good that you’re trying to be more mindful of the needs of the group, @endgamesmug :) I like that aspect too of PUGging for vet dungeons as a healer, adapting to the groups’ needs and playstyle.
  • CP5
    Between the high chance of random players in the dungeon finder queue being under prepared for the content, and being unable or unwilling to learn any fight that's more complex than just 'keep attacking boss,' it can turn any dlc dungeon into a nightmare.
  • SilverBride
    I realise people have alot of fear around these things...

    I don't fear them. I just find them long and tedious and not enjoyable.
  • Indigogo
    Yeah it's not fear... it's dread. Landing on a dlc, even on normal is likely to be a miserable experience when pugging. *in my experience*

    Which is a shame because dlcs are all I want to do now to collect gear.
  • ixthUA
    I almost finished collections book for frostvault, dread cellar, depths of malatar, black drake villa, imperial city prison, white-gold town, all of them PUG (as tank/healer), around 10% of them vet. Only 2 vet failed, none normal failed.
  • Chips_Ahoy
    I realise people have alot of fear around these things.

    Fear? lol

    They are time consuming, especially in PUG runs.
  • AlnilamE
    Chips_Ahoy wrote: »

    Fear? lol

    They are time consuming, especially in PUG runs.

    Some of them are a bit longer (like Lair of Maarselok or Unhallowed Grave - both of which are quite fun, though). The majority are within the same length as regular dungeons if you exclude the baby dungeons (FG I, SC I and EH I)
    The Moot Councillor
  • Nogawd
    They are facerolls on normal.

    Casuals just want easy mode all the time.
  • francesinhalover
    I realise people have alot of fear around these things, but i always get excited when it comes up on random. Some more runs to familiarise myself with mechanics , get better at running and fill the collection book its a win win i reckon! It has its hazards in random who you get paired with, but its just quick adaptation and problem solving on the fly i like that. Im a bit more mindful of my rushing through of late as i was kicked from a couple of dungeons for doing so. So i find myself gauging what each group i get put with is about and act accordingly.im not exactly desperate for the transmutes of late anyway just enjoy running the content and its all practice at the end of the day. Im not a super duper dps/tank/healer but i hold my own in dlc vet and vet base, vet trials are just not made for me but i still really enjoy the content i can do in this game.

    I like the challenge if its "balanced" not hardcore.
    And vet trials are just a pain.
    Hate the social aspect, hate the finding aspect, hate the dificulty, the time it takes, the obligation to do it for gear.
    The skins behind vet hm that require parses and installing addons its just ew
    I am @fluffypallascat pc eu if someone wants to play together
    Shadow strike is the best cp passive ever!
  • aetherial_heavenn
    I think the recent DLC's have been really well designed. They are achievable with lower dps groups who follow mechanics and they have sources of buffs available from secret bosses to help such groups and under-geared groups to be viable, if they follow said mechanics.

    There are fewer one shots and they make support roles great .... well at least *needed*...again. This is an improvement after a couple of years of stacking and burning tactics being the most efficient for higher dps groups to complete harder content , unavoidable boss one-shot mechanics making support roles largely un-needed by high end players while also being irrelevant to helping low dps groups complete that content. *

    Now the game 'lifts the floor' in this content to allow completion by players who pay attention by boosting their dps and self heals, while still allowing quick runs ignoring said secret boss buffs by those who don't need the boost. I see this as a great solution for the competing 'needs' at play in group content. (Thinking Red Petal, or Dread Cellar, here.)

    Also the design overtly teaches the necessary counters with good visual queues and the NPC's telling you exactly what to do. All of the mechanics and said counters are later encountered in the trials that were released with that DLC. I think ZoS took on board a lot of the feedback about dungeons not actually teaching players mechanics they must master to complete Vet and have made much more effort to do so. I appreciate this.

    *(I am ignoring other factors like big self heals, mythics, and the massive damage creep for high damage players that contributed to the 4 dps being most viable. I think the current dungeon design is an attempt to counter the unintended consequences in group play of some of those changes where the player performance/completion gap had grown too wide.)
    Quoted for truth
    "In my experience, the elite ones have not been very toxic, and the toxic ones not very elite." WrathOfInnos
  • Jusey1
    I honestly started soloing the DLC dungeons for once, and am starting to like them a lot more overall. Some of the bosses in the normal DLC dungeons are just more intense and enjoyable to fight against than any of the base game dungeons when solo, and leads to a more enjoyable solo experience. There's a few problematic or annoying ones though... (The first major boss in Red Petal Bastion is super annoying but is manage-able).
  • mickeyx
    I realise people have alot of fear around these things, but i always get excited when it comes up on random. Some more runs to familiarise myself with mechanics , get better at running and fill the collection book its a win win i reckon! It has its hazards in random who you get paired with, but its just quick adaptation and problem solving on the fly i like that. Im a bit more mindful of my rushing through of late as i was kicked from a couple of dungeons for doing so. So i find myself gauging what each group i get put with is about and act accordingly.im not exactly desperate for the transmutes of late anyway just enjoy running the content and its all practice at the end of the day. Im not a super duper dps/tank/healer but i hold my own in dlc vet and vet base, vet trials are just not made for me but i still really enjoy the content i can do in this game.

    And yet the majority of the player base would do anything to skip them if they can and stick to base dungeons.
  • colossalvoids
    It's a matter of getting hang of it yea. Not bad at all even with the worst group when you yourself understand what's going on and can help peeps out figuring the mechanical part of it. Especially with a pre set group it's probably my favourite content eso can offer currently.
  • Molydeus
    DLC dungeons are definitely my favorite content in ESO. Too many people don't listen to mechanics advice when you give it though, or they're just incapable of doing it. With a good group, DLC dungeons are super fun.
  • ZOS_Hadeostry

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