I've been playing about 5 years now and the shift that's been made in the last couple of years towards motifs actually kind of bugs me, but maybe I'm the only one. The 2 main things that bug me are that 1: Motifs don't drop with the content, they get added later a lot of the times, and 2: Motif 20 hour cooldowns. Pre-Greymoor there was no motif cooldown, just a drop chance from completing daily quests. Why was the unnecessary cooldown added? If I want to farm 12 total daily quests to get the motifs faster that's my choice. Even with how it was before you'd only average 2 per day if you did that.
My Solution: Make the first motif of the day a greater drop chance (this helps the more casual players who don't mind only getting 1/day) then after that go back to the normal drop rate it was before until the next day, not this current one where after 1 motif drops your chances of getting another before the cooldown are insanely low.
Sidenote: I'm sure this will never get done because it would probably require an unnecessary amount of work, but I would love to see 20 hour cooldowns removed entirely and all just go to 1 daily reset time.