Another event and the same issue. Once you get an account-wide gold motif, collectible, costume, etc. you don't stop getting them. Its wonderful if you are doing the event for the first time. But if not, it ends up being a worthless drop. Some players say hold onto them and sell them later in the guild store. I say look at the dozens of Glenmoril Wyrd, Old Orsinium, Grave Dancer, and Rkindaleft motifs that don't even sell for 100 gold. Or the Snowball, Mudball Pouch, Nordic Bather's Towel, etc. that you can't give away for free at Breda's tent. Some say put them in the guild bank for others to have. Then the guild bank fills up. Some say destroy them if they are worthless. Which ends up being the result most of the time.
But why does it have to be? It would be great if the new RNG would give you something else, akin to what happens with set drops. Like a gold motif piece for the event that you do not have. Or mats. Or gear. Or a recipe. Or gold. Or anything but another Sword Swallower Blade runebox.