Remove the cast delay and let us sprint while in mist, and you have a deal.PvP_Exploiter wrote: »Deserves a nerf to the amount of damage mitigation it provides.
xylena_lazarow wrote: »
Remove the cast delay and let us sprint while in mist, and you have a deal.
NegativeVibes wrote: »Considering the caster becomes basically useless and can only move around while their magicka and health go down, [Snip]
Well if it actually worked, it might be a good skill...
And there's two counters.
Either just stop chasing them - they're running away, so you don't have to fight them.
Stick on them and when they come out (which they'll have to eventually), CC and burn them.
And as for it being so cheap, that's with giving up jewellery traits and enchants. Which weakens their build elsewhere. Reduce cost overall is weaker than regen, as it has less modifiers and the more you put into reduce cost, the more diminishing the returns.
I don't even see many people spamming mist these days. Maybe because it's broken. But also, all it usually does is prolong your death by a little bit.
Most people I know run race against time over it.
Against normal builds, spam gap closers or a speed ability and chase them until they run out of resources. Since they can't sprint, it's pretty easy to stick to them. Against a troll tank, well, that's pointless whether they run mist or not.PvP_Exploiter wrote: »However if the only counter is "stop fighting them" then that is easily the most broken ability no?
PvP_Exploiter wrote: »It was used for one boss fight in PvE so it gets all mitigation removed.
Yet it remains an uncounterable crutch in PvP, only counter being negate.
Deserves a nerf to the amount of damage mitigation it provides.
Even though you get extra fire damage taken, 20% more damage taken from undaunted, zero regen in Mist Form, you are calling for a nerf to a skill that has so many negatives. You complain about the amount of damage it mitigates. I think you are focusing on the wrong skill.
For example, Cloak has 100% mitigation with Zero negatives. Try to get this one nerf then we'll talk!
I wouldnt be so sure about that last phrase. Cloak and streak on its own may have counters but classes who have them have things in their toolkits to work around said counters, often rendering most of these counters weak or even useless.PvP_Exploiter wrote: »
It is pretty limited to DKs, Templars & Wardens (however rare they are) as they have means of sustain outside of recovery.
DK = Burning, especially with Charged. This has been meta for a while now
Templar = Rune
Warden = Netch
However if the only counter is "stop fighting them" then that is easily the most broken ability no? Even Streak and Cloak don't have that little counters.
I explained counters to mist above. Maybe your problem is with troll tanks in general, not just the mist skill?PvP_Exploiter wrote: »Yet a skill with no counters is fine? Do not understand these players.
NegativeVibes wrote: »Deserves a nerf to the amount of damage mitigation it provides.
I haven't seen mistform being used much at all anymore, except maybe by troll tanks who suddenly realize they aren't up against a bunch of zerg noobs, are about to die, and are attempting a getaway. Which generally doesn't work out for them regardless. It used to be fairly common, but that day came and went a while back.
soniku4ikblis wrote: »
Its still common enough that it is still a problem.Just because you're not seeing it doesn't mean it is not there.
Wait, mist form actually works in pvp?
It fails half the time I try to cast it in Cyrodil. Not being able to rely on it actually functioning is nerf enough in my opinion.
You just described every single skill in Cyrodiil, not casting is not unique to any skill, it happens to all of them.
No, he’s right. Mistform has an extra layer of not working even when other abilities are.
I use it and it's true, when you build for it with some speed (swift, cp, wild hunt) and some wards like imperium/mother ciannait it can become a massive defensive carry.
But it's mainly the cost that makes it so strong and so spammable, back when there were not so many ways to get movement speed and mist form was a 4k spell it was considered a poor skill that just delayed the inevitable.
It should go back to the fixed 4 seconds 4k mag skill it was before the greymoor rework and not the 1k mag/s that can be reduced to nothing (especially since everyone and their mothers in PvP is a vamp stage 3 for another overperforming vamp perk, Undeath) channeled skill it is now.
PvP_Exploiter wrote: »At least you understand the problem before the irrelevant edit. Thank you.