Can you get them through seals of endeavour?
We need farmable mounts and pets in the game world as well as armor with cool spell effects. The same way we can farm crafting recipes for housing furniture, we should be able to farm mounts and pets.
It's fine if they want to lock the flashier skins behind loot boxes, but the base mounts should absolutely be farmable in their respective biomes. There's a whole entire avenue of collectables that is completely cut off in this game behind the cash shop and it's a darn shame.
We need farmable mounts and pets in the game world as well as armor with cool spell effects. The same way we can farm crafting recipes for housing furniture, we should be able to farm mounts and pets.
It's fine if they want to lock the flashier skins behind loot boxes, but the base mounts should absolutely be farmable in their respective biomes. There's a whole entire avenue of collectables that is completely cut off in this game behind the cash shop and it's a darn shame.
Do you have all the mounts/pets that can be farmed in game already? I don't.
Not to mention the outfits.