Possible spoilers: Thank you ZOS, so much, for Arox. Appreciation thread

Arox. @ZOS_GinaBruno or @ZOS_RichLambert

Please let your writers or anyone involved you think should know: as a person whose physical "meat prison" has suffered with the ravages of rheumatoid arthritis, I have never related more to a tiny little rat with a big heart who used to be physically so much more. I literally cried through parts of his story. TYSM.

I really needed that little guy this year. He is now proudly living in my tropical resort on Grand Topal, playing endless games of hammergammon with Sereyne. When she isn't passed out.
EHT zealot
streamer: http://twitch.tv/stabbitydoom
  • jedtb16_ESO
    i have him as greeter at the villa. by far the best npc in the game.
  • andreanub18_ESO
    This gutsy little guy lives in my cottage retreat in Ald Velothi. He has a thick, comfy blanky in front of the fireplace. I even bought a wheel of cheese for him. He likes a warm lap and a belly rub, too... don't tell him I told you, though; he's sure to deny it. Always on my side, he makes the cottage a good place to come home to when the guards have thrashed me just one too many times... for no reason at all, I tell you!
  • lethality_ESO
    I just met him, and I love him already... very creative use of him so far, I love the way he jumps into your pack... and comments in muffled tones from inside on things :)

  • sharquez
    If you click on him while he's in your pack you get extra voice lines! He's the best.
  • Mythgard1967
    oh heck ya...loved Arox......I played through with my husband behind me....and he said...they better give him to you as a pet or resident or you are gonna be sad!

    And they did. I want to love him and hug him and keep him for my very own.
  • StabbityDoom

    He has to make sure she makes a move before she falls asleep again.
    EHT zealot
    streamer: http://twitch.tv/stabbitydoom
  • Ariont
    I was kind of hoping we could get him as a companion. But with that said, I am thrilled that we got him even as a house pet. thoroughly enjoyed my travels through the deadland and Fargrave with him.

    Great Job Development team and other team members!
  • Sylvermynx
    I was so pleased to see him in the store this morning. I prefer the "beast" houseguests to the human ones, so thanks ZOS!
  • Grizzbeorn
    sharquez wrote: »
    If you click on him while he's in your pack you get extra voice lines! He's the best.


    So, he's part of a questline, like Auggie is?

    So what happens if I already purchased him from the Crown Store? Does it ruin the quest?
    Edited by Grizzbeorn on December 31, 2021 3:38PM
      PC/NA Warden Main
    • Mythgard1967
      Grizzbeorn wrote: »
      sharquez wrote: »
      If you click on him while he's in your pack you get extra voice lines! He's the best.


      So, he's part of a questline, like Auggie is?

      So what happens if I already purchased him from the Crown Store? Does it ruin the quest?

      I have seen nothing in his chitter chatter that would spoil the quest for you....and it wouldn't "bug" the content.

      And I too would have loved him as a companion.....or even a talking non-combat pet....along with the Augur of whatsit...blue talking skull for psijic.....though he would HAVE to be named BOB as a pet.....
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