What cosmetics would you like to see in game?

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For me, personally, I would really like this personality/emote that Ri'Hirr (Daily Job Broker in Rimmen) uses:
Edited by smallstream on March 15, 2022 11:29PM
  • Nightlord
    Vampire Lord Cosmetic option for Vampire Scion.

    Some form of the Volkihar vampire outfits, like Serana's from TESV Skyrim as a costume.

    A skin for each stage of vampirism, so a player can customize their vampiric look, while also being whichever stage they wish.

    More long hairstyles.

    Ability to make Mirri or Bastian look like vampires as a cosmetic.
  • Rudrani
    1) Fix the physics on long dresses, they look like cardboard boxes.
    2) Give me a Maw of Lorkhaj skin without the blue marks and eyes. (same for silver and gold)
  • UntilValhalla13
    The ability to dye your hair, regardless of race.
  • Araneae6537
    For me, personally, I would really like this personality/emote that Ri'Hirr (Daily Job Broker in Rimmen) uses:

    I would also appreciate TLC for player werewolf model. ZOS did a great job with the werewolf behemoth and I'd love to see the player werewolf look equally badass. What we have now isn't cutting it anymore.

    Even Morrowind has a better werewolf design.

    More personalities are always welcome, especially when more subtle and not exaggerated. :)

    Regarding the werewolf, I would be upset if they changed it to that bloated behemoth form! Now the Morrowind version looks cool and I wouldn’t mind a change in that direction.

    On a similar note, I want a bat swarm like some NPCs use as a vampire ultimate and not this horrid blood knight/scion/whatever monstrosity. I realize that’s beyond cosmetic but visuals and what works for the characters I want to play does greatly influence what classes I play and abilities I use.

    On yet another similar note, the warden ultimate should always have options other than a bear! An actual Morrowind creature as default would make the .most sense and even better would be to additionally add other lore appropriate creatures — wolf, senche, spider (yes, I really want a spider <3 )

    More motifs with elements that look like fine clothes or jewelry — like the Sunspire motif.

    Emotes for houseguests!
  • Mr_Madness
    A Wendigo alternate form for the Werewolf

    and The Lich style from Crypt of hearts to be available
  • phaneub17_ESO
    You max out Vampire skill line, Wardens unlock Vampiric Bear skin.
    You max out Werewolf skill line, Wardens unlock Werebear Bear skin.
    You max out Psijic Order skill line, Wardens unlock Psijic Bear skin.
    You max out Thieves Guild, Wardens unlock Raccoon Bear skin.
    You max out Dark Brotherhood, Wardens unlock A'sassy Bear skin.
    You purchased Skyrim Anniversary Edition you unlock Dovahbear skin.
    Edited by phaneub17_ESO on December 30, 2021 7:51AM
  • opaj
    I second a personality based on elderly characters like Ri'Hirr.

    Aside from that, my most-wanted cosmetics would be:

    Levitation personality: hover half a foot off the ground like many mage NPCs. Check out Eyevea for some examples.

    Levitation mount: hover a foot off the ground and "fly" at incredible speeds. (Note that I'm not asking for flying mounts, but rather a mount that makes it look like your character is levitating instead of summoning a creature.)
  • Hurbster
    More hairstyles similar to 'By Kyne, it's humid'.
    So they raised the floor and lowered the ceiling. Except the ceiling has spikes in it now and the floor is also lava.
  • Tan9oSuccka
    No more facial or body tattoos please.

    More hairstyles and cosmetics.
  • BXR_Lonestar
    How about giant/shrunken head polymorphs?

    It would make it easy to spot your supports and follow instructions in Trials! :D
  • Zama666

    I usually don't care about this stuff however, different hair color to identify in group settings is brilliant!

    Also, I did not realize how much I do enjoy seeing other characters in some incredible outfits.

    Is it creepy I 'people' watch in a video game?

    This thread was so interesting!

    I do care about this stuff!

    Tanks for the Enlightenment!!!

  • Auztinito
    I’d like to see more tights, breeches, and clothing like armor motifs. I’d like to see less costumes but more head/hats, adornments, and hairstyles. Also, hide options for all gear.
  • Nisekev
    Doesn't ESO already have more cosmetics than actual content?
  • rexagamemnon
  • Vevvev
    A Gothic vampire gown like the Countess dress from Guild Wars 2 to go along with the Vampire Noble outfit. Dark Passions Regalia just doesn't fill that void very well.

    Spoiler has a picture of what I'm referring to.
    Edited by Vevvev on December 30, 2021 7:43PM
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • Araneae6537
    Vevvev wrote: »
    A Gothic vampire gown like the Countess dress from Guild Wars 2 to go along with the Vampire Noble outfit. Dark Passions Regalia just doesn't fill that void very well.

    Spoiler has a picture of what I'm referring to.

    It would be cool if ESO added such a dress, as well as more motifs that look more like clothing or jewelry that would be worn in Tamriel, only I really hope that ZOS continues to make styles the same for both genders, unlike GW2. I only feel the need to emphasize this because of the Celestial costume having a cut-out on female characters but not male. Not cool.
  • ArchMikem
    I made a concept of a bushier/thicker tail for Khajiit that would look REALLY good, compared to the thin noodle it is now.

    I think the beast Races should've had more appearance customizations available, specifically for tails. Thickness, length, fur style etc.
    CP2,000 Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • SickleCider
    I want coats, and surcoats, and collars that don't end abruptly at the collarbone, and more hats, so many more hats. I also want hand tattoos. Yes, just for hands. I also want to unlock all hair and eye colors.
    ✨🐦✨ Blackfeather Court Commission ✨🐦✨
  • OldMagSorc
    Myself i am hetro sexual but i do think it would be politically correct to have some form of LGBT colorization in some shape or form?
  • kargen27
    Would like to see all the existing styles be available no matter the sex of the character. I see the reasoning behind some things being specific to the cats and lizards but see no reason some hair styles are locked by what sex your character is.

    I still want tattoos to be unaffected by vampirism.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • ArchangelIsraphel
    -The ability to dye my hair any color I want, even if my race does not technically include that hair color (would be nice if we could have an RGB color wheel to customize colors with, but that's not likely to happen)

    --The ability to put streaks of color in hair, or to color tips of hair differently from main hair

    -Eyebrow color to be selected separately from main hair color, so that I can have a light haired character and not have their eyebrows disappear from existence.

    -RGB color wheel selection for eye color. Whose to say I cant enchant my eye color any color I want in a world where I can buy glowing eyes from the cash shop? XD

    -The ability to dye adornments like crowns and earrings any color I want rather than having their color dictated by my hair color.

    -All hairstyles to be unlocked for all genders.

    -Motifs and costumes that show off men's chests more.

    -A "shirtless" and "shoulder less" option for male characters where I don't have to unequip my armor to run around shirtless.

    -The ability to hide shoulder armor.

    -More mix and match style page parts that look like clothing rather than armor. Tunics, shirts, different kinds of breeches and boots...
    Legends never die
    They're written down in eternity
    But you'll never see the price it costs
    The scars collected all their lives
    When everything's lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat
    Before it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream
    Oh, pick yourself up, 'cause
    Legends never die
  • xclassgaming
    Give us clannfear mounts!
  • Castagere
    More race-based clothing, please
  • Rataroto
    chokers. as major adornments. give. me. CHOKERS!
  • Hotdog_23
    Barber shop in game.

    Stay safe and Happy Holidays :)
  • spartaxoxo
    More makeup 💄 in more natural colors, in both full face of makeup and just eyeshadows/lipsticks.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on December 31, 2021 9:07AM
  • Blinx
    hair dye, hair dye, hair dye, hair dye, hair dye, hair dye, hair dye, hair dye, hair dye, hair dye, hair dye, hair dye...
  • RadagastThePink
    Sorc and Warden pet skins- I would love to see more options like the grey bear for wardens. We have several scamps as non combat pets and I think some would be great options for sorcs.

    More personalities - the old witch personality, priest / priestess personality, chef / baker, skoma addict

    More hair style, minor adornments (earrings)

    High collars, smaller shoulders, shoulders that are similar to small capes or scarf (since they can not do real capes. I was thinking something similar to the prophet shoulders, but better)

    Top hat that will dye well
  • Chaos2088
    Way more different long haired styles, more elven ones, its very limiting atm.
    @Chaos2088 PC EU Server | AD-PvP
  • Ringing_Nirnroot
    More Redguard hairstyles, there’s not enough.

    Update: different werewolf fur designs
    Edited by Ringing_Nirnroot on January 1, 2022 12:19AM
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