Fennorian house guest maybe?

Heyo, got back into the game about... six or seven months ago. I decided to go through the daggerfall side of the quest lines first and just really enjoyed the Ravenwatch quests. Then I played through Greymoor and Markarth and loved those DLC's also. When Adusa was put in the crown store, of course I nabbed her up but I was wondering if we might also have Fennorian and maybe Gwendis eventually added to the house guest list?
I make mods when I'm not gaming. Search for SyntheticCourierSix on Tumblr for updates on my Fallout 4 and Skyrim SE mod creations.

  • Araneae6537
    Yes, we need Fennorian as a houseguest or, even better, a companion! :love: (Just have completing the Greymoor and Markarth questlines be prerequisite — well worth it!)
  • Kesstryl
    +1 here, I'd buy crowns for Fennorian.

    He travels around like a vampire in mist form so popping in to visit friends is not going to break any quest mechanics.
    Edited by Kesstryl on January 15, 2022 2:20PM
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  • Living_Ded
    +1 here for it
    necro healer, warden healer, templar healer, stam/magblade
  • Wolf_Eye
    I used to want Fenn as a companion, but it was pointed out to me by someone else that this might mean we would no longer get any future quests if he's a companion. (It's not confirmed, but I definitely agree it's a distinct possibility).

    As much as I would love having Fenn travel with me, I don't want to sacrifice potential future content with him.

    So I agree, I would LOVE to have him as a houseguest instead.
  • beowulf_darkknight_ESO
    Yeah, there's that possibility, but Markarth sorta feels like ZOS made it the end of the Ravenwatch chapter. I'm hoping that's not the case and they come back in a future dlc.

    But having him as a houseguest would be awesome. Having Fenn as a companion would be even better but like you said Wolf_Eye, I wouldn't want it interfering with potential future quests either. Unlocking after said quests though.....
    I make mods when I'm not gaming. Search for SyntheticCourierSix on Tumblr for updates on my Fallout 4 and Skyrim SE mod creations.

  • Wolf_Eye
    Yeah, there's that possibility, but Markarth sorta feels like ZOS made it the end of the Ravenwatch chapter. I'm hoping that's not the case and they come back in a future dlc.

    But having him as a houseguest would be awesome. Having Fenn as a companion would be even better but like you said Wolf_Eye, I wouldn't want it interfering with potential future quests either. Unlocking after said quests though.....

    Technically, an MMO has a neverending story up until the game officially closes. Given that there's no shortage of sinister vampires in the game, there's plenty of reason for the Ravenwatch to come back.

    I mean sure, we probably won't have an entire main story focused on them again, but that doesn't mean the Ravenwatch won't appear in a few sidequests. Fenn could show up in a dungeon story again, like he did in Unhallowed Grave. Speaking of, I think because he shows up in Unhallowed Grave, it could be tricky making his quests a pre-requisite for getting him as a companion.

    And the way I see it is this: Having him as a companion is nice, but it comes with only a finite limited number of voice lines. Having him for a potentially unlimited amount of future quests, on the other hand, comes with it a potentially unlimited amount of content and voice lines.

    If we have him as a companion....then that's it. We will never learn anything new about him ever again. We will never get any new voice lines or information from him ever again. Once you've exhausted all of his companion quests and voice lines, you will never get any new Fenn content ever again. That's the part I don't like.

    I like him as a character and I want to learn more about him. Much more than I think I could ever get from a measly short companion questline.

    I hope that makes sense as to why I'm so worried.
  • Araneae6537
    Why should having him as a companion preclude his inclusion in future quests? It would be cool if when starting whatever hypothetical future questline, you maybe get additional dialogue with him if you have him as a companion where he tells you he needs to investigate something etc. and then he’a unavailable until that questline is completed. I’m sure there are other options too, but something dynamic and where we could have the best of both worlds would be awesome to me. :)
  • Wolf_Eye
    Why should having him as a companion preclude his inclusion in future quests?

    Oh well, I'm HOPING it's not. But I just don't know.

    If we can still have new content AND have him as a companion, then I am 100000% on board and want this.

    But if not, then I guess what I'm saying is that I don't want to sacrifice future content just to have him as a companion. If that makes sense? I'm just worried is all.
    It would be cool if when starting whatever hypothetical future questline, you maybe get additional dialogue with him if you have him as a companion where he tells you he needs to investigate something etc. and then he’a unavailable until that questline is completed. I’m sure there are other options too, but something dynamic and where we could have the best of both worlds would be awesome to me. :)

    Yeah I definitely like that. I know it might be irritating to some people for him to be unavailable as a companion temporarily, but I think that's a very good solution.
  • kinguardian
    Yes please or/and have them as companions would be nice.
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