I cannot take this terrible dungeon any more. I have run this dungeon 3 times a day minimum for over a month now and I cannot get this lead. This is by far the worst lead grind for me in the game to date. I’d rather farm the Thrassian Stranger or the Kilt fishing leads 5 times over again than have to rely on the RNG of this lead. I thought the crappy Ruins of Mazzatun lead was the worst for me but making them drop from chests is a new low.
I need to first get into the dungeon, hope the group I’m in does speed run (or organize runs with guildies which I simply can’t do every time), then chests have to actually spawn in the dungeon (you’d be surprised how little they spawn here even with the antiquity perk highlighting them), then they have to maybe have the lead. I’ve gotten 3 master chests and none have dropped the lead, which feels pretty degrading for me to even keep trying. My most recent run I got a master chest which dropped only 3 items. Then I got a simple chest and it only had 1 item and it wasn’t even a set piece. I understand the RNG makes these leads hard to get, but I’m beyond wondering if this lead even drops and now just feel insulted for even bothering.
Not to mention I used to loooove Falkreath Hold as a dungeon. Aesthetically it it very cool, and it’s fairly quick. But I cannot keep running it because of how much I’m starting to hate it. So I hope you’re happy, ZOS, because this lead is actually making me hate content I once loved.