I have to say this has been a strong patch for Stamina DK as a whole(in PvE). At first, I didn't think the whip would work on a Stam build, but I can't remember a time where I have performed so well in content, it weaves well, the fury mini-game is fun, and the damage is spectacular. But, this begs the question, why now would I, a Stamina DK, ever use stone giant instead:
-It buffs all incoming damage, yours and your party on a target by up to 195, before crit.
- It provides minor brutality to you and the party
-It give you ultimate every few seconds increasing sustain.
-Because of the world in ruin passive, just the base damage of whip is 5% higher than stone giant. With the addition of the fury stacks from motlen whip, or off balance with flame lash the damage done could be easily double that of stone giant.
-Stone giant has the delay of a skill like snipe or wrecking blow, but the damage of a instant spammable. Making the pay off even worse when whip can be used at least 1-2 times more often per rotation.
-The ultimate gain from stone giant at best results in maybe 5 total ults, in a fight that you may only get 4 without, which means the sustain benefit is nearly negligible, and a build with whip will still out out damage with the extra utl. Whip has a 10% chance to proc combustion on its own, and with the right set up can nearly pay for itself.
-Outside of the locking of block, there is no downside to a support running stone giant instead. And so long as that support keeps the skill up it is just as good as a Stamina DK. Not to mention if that support is build to run engulfing flames with it's max benefit, whip will do even more damage to the target.
So what if:
-The stonegiant causes poison damage, bumping it by 5% in damage, allowing it to proc combustion for better sustain as well. It would not reach the ridiculous damage that flipping with whip would do but the improvement would be consistent. This also would improve the DKs performance overall in a group bring morang tong.
-I don't care if the skill is melee or not(granted the DKs kit is built for melee), but removing the channel would smooth out the skill improving it's usage in rotations or hectic encounters. Or making the channel consistent(less ideal) and scaling it with wrecking blow whole also improve it and disinetives tanks from using.
-If stagger scaled with stamina and weapon damage in a similar fashion to engulfing flames, that would at the very least make it worth it to not use it on a tank. I'd also improve the max benefit from stagger, maybe cap it at 250-300 if you have at least 4k weapon damage and 30k stamina, to improve it's impact in solo settings.
-Bonus: ZoS mentioned the possibility of moving stone giant when it was first introduced, so what if the it switched skill bars with chains. While you would lose the utl and minor brutality, you would be able to build fury stacks with fist, chosing to either keep your weapon damage, or flipping for big damage every 3 cast. The change would allow tanks benefit more form the earthen heart passives with chains.
So what are the communities thoughs? Do you think stone giant needs an update? Do you like my ideas?