How to sell DLC zones to players who completed them through ESO Plus

I haven't bought a DLC in a LONG time. These days I just sub up for ESO Plus for a month if I feel like doing some newer quest content, and play through the zone before my sub runs out. How could ZoS make more money off me, as well as making me happier with the Store options?...

Simple. If a player has the Grand Adventurer achievement (or similar) for a DLC zone, slash the crown price of that DLC.

For example, I've completed every single quest in Southern Elsweyr even though I don't own the Dragonhold DLC, so there's not much point buying that DLC at full price. But if the cost were 1/4, or even 1/2 the standard cost, I'd definitely consider purchasing it just for the sake of owning it.

  • winterscrolls229prerb18_ESO
    I had a no brainer one that zos somehow refuse to bite on..

    Simply offer the collectors editions for 2k like they do on zone events. That way you get the mounts and the unlock, the only way you're going to pay for something you've already done (or only half want).

    You can only imagine they like dlc pain / debt as an incentive to sub for people that will be sensitive to that.

    (.... personally i just bought them all, waited for events or discounts or crown convenience).
  • starlizard70ub17_ESO
    Because I have an ESO+ sub, I save up my crowns and buy the overland DLCs when they go on sale. I don't buy any of the dungeon DLC ever. You can make it to level 10 undaunted without them and if the dungeons have any sets you want, those are easily grinded out in the first week if you even try. (there are enough free ESO+ weekends, it shouldn't be a problem.)
    Edited by starlizard70ub17_ESO on December 18, 2021 2:48PM
    "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
  • Blinx
    I don't understand the reasoning behind this either, I will never buy Murkmire for 2k crowns,not even for their 1600 crowns when it's on "sale"-make it 50% off, it's old content that was once a free daily log in reward...

    I do have ESO+, and own everything else, not exactly a big fan of murkmire, tho the zone story was short and sweet
  • Mesite
    I have an account that has Greymoor, but it's not my main account. I considered getting Greymoor for my main account but I would just end up grinding leads so I doubt I'll bother.
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