Hidden dungeon - idea

Imagine there is a hidden dungeon in the game. You can acces it only while doing vet random dungeon and there is only a small chance that you will be possible to get there. Lets say the final boss in the dungeon can spawn a portal after death (I think that would be the easiest to implement , the chance could be higher in dlc dungeons, but still more like 2-5%). You can enter the dungeon only with your current group. Hidden dungeon is more like a DLC dungeon and has some cool mechanics. Its not long but has few bosses fights. Lets add even more to that. For example you cannot wipe in the dungeon because it will throw you out (necro tank could be useful :). The final boss drops a cool reward. For example an "always meta" monster set/rare furniture etc.

The idea is about a rare opportunity to acces to something and have a chance for its rewards. I realise that sort of things where already in other games, but why not?
The way I described it is the way I would like it to be so it's only my personal approach to the main concept. I like what they did in last DLC dungeons with "hidden" stuff, so how about going one step further?
  • phaneub17_ESO
    You're still going to have players who loot and leave as soon as the final boss is dead so now you have less party members tackling a super rare boss fight. You can't queue for more because technically the dungeon is completed, anything left behind is up to you.
  • hafgood
    Not for me thanks. I have no issues with hidden bosses but an extra dungeon from a dungeon? With only those you were grouped with? Kicked out on wipe?

    1. What happens if one person leaves the group? I assume they cannot be replaced?

    2. You say rare? How rare? Once every 10 vets? every 100 vets? Needs to be fairly regular to have any chance at completing

    3. Kicked on wipe? Not keen on this mechanic, happy with getting limited chances at the last secret boss in BDV but with this you could wipe to the first set of adds and then wait months before you go in again.

    No, not for me
  • Stanx
    Can't see it breaking anything, wouldn't complain if it was implemented. Could be pretty cool, but it certainly wouldn't be something the average ESO player would be able to partake in.
    You're still going to have players who loot and leave as soon as the final boss is dead so now you have less party members tackling a super rare boss fight. You can't queue for more because technically the dungeon is completed, anything left behind is up to you.

    This is a good point, trying to get a random group to get to the secret boss in Black Drake Villa is difficult. But at the same time, it's awesome when everyone plays their part and you get to fight
    a new boss and all of the hidden mini-bosses in one fight
  • _Zathras_
    I do like the concept, but I would suggest to make it more inclusive/accessible. By that, I mean any dungeon, not just vet tier, or belonging to dlc content. And, maybe an extra boss appears, rather than a whole "Cow Level" with new mechanics. Somewhat like a dolmen can rarely spawn a named boss.

    Also, I like the idea of greater loot, but "meta" gear is a slippery beast as it changes so often. Also, it caters to a very small group of people that use those limited sets. So, back to inclusiveness, and allow drops that a wider percentage of people would find useful. Even if it was an increased loot table, with a chance to get a gold gear drop. The gold item doesn't have to be useful for equipping, but it will guarantee a gold mat on deconstruction.

    My my 2c worth.

    Edited by _Zathras_ on December 15, 2021 1:12PM
  • VaranisArano
    Imagine PUGing for your random vet, getting a hidden vet dungeon that no one in the group knows how to do, and then wiping to a mechanic you've just seen for the first time, and getting thrown out.

    That's not conducive to progression. It's a recipe for a toxic, frustratingly random, punishing grind. If the rewards are any good, it's even more frustrating. I can't imagine the reaction if the rewards are also RNG - what if players had to grind this boss for a lead, gear sets, or motif pages?

    You bring up the DLC dungeons and their hidden secrets - while those are difficult, they aren't hard to access. It's very easy to go farm the secret bosses. All you need is a group who wants to do them and knows how to access them.

    It's not gated behind RNG. It's not a "surprise!" portal at the end of a dungeon. It's not high stakes where if you wipe, you'll be thrown out and who knows how long it will be before RNG smiles on you again.

    With how grindy ZOS makes their new rewards, I don't think this is something I'd enjoy.
  • Bradyfjord
    If it's going to be a surprise, make it a bonus level with an easy boss that drops 10000 gold. That would be interesting, but nothing people would be upset about if it didn't work out.
  • zaria
    Many newer dlc dungeons has much of this, its fun on an guild run more divisive in an pug. More fun in that the extra content might make an vet clear easier or you get an bonus boss.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Hapexamendios
    No, usually after doing a vet dungeon I don't want to jump straight into another one.
  • Tornaad
    We kind of have that now in the form of the Oblivion portals in both Fargrave and Blackwood.
    Edited by Tornaad on December 21, 2021 12:47AM
  • prof-dracko
    Maybe a dungeon that can only be accessed via the "random dungeon" pug system? Nothing too hard, about RoM difficulty so there's no mechanics that would drive off an unprepared group. Just something you can accidentally get dropped in, possibly with some higher-tier rewards, that is totally inaccessible from the map. It'd encourage more pug groups, perhaps?
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