I'm sure I'm in the minority but I hate alt characters. I always have. I've been playing MMOs since the Ultima Online and Everquest days and I've always just focused on a single character. I've been that way with ESO. I've been even more specialized in that I only play dark elf stamblades. Period. I laugh when people talk about buying a second account after filling their first account slots AND buying additional slots.
The challenge with ESO, however, is that there is some gameplay that is more enjoyable with different builds and less enjoyable with a single character. Which I hated. But I did it. I had my trials stamblade, my crafting/farming stamblade, my PVP stamblade, my sneaky stamblade (DB and TG content) and then a backup trials stamblade for the few times I want to run the same content twice in a day.
And it bothered me that I had 5 characters on my account when I only wanted one. Enter the Armory system. WOOT! This has allowed me to get down to two characters (My crafter knows all my motifs, patterns, plans, etc. so I can't delete). Love it. And I think it works marvelously. I've purchased 5 additional build slots and will probably buy at least another 2.
That said, I do have some suggestions. Apologies in advance if these have been discussed as I don't follow the forums daily.
1. Note on the character page if an armory build is active and, if so, which one. Sometimes, the only difference between builds is a change in CPs and those aren't obvious. Yeah, there are times I forget which build I have active and have to go digging to find out before I accidentally save over the wrong one. Maybe even just display the icon of the active build on the screen somewhere?
2. I hate to say this, as I'm not usually a fan of over-confirmation but I think a second "are you SURE" dialog box would be helpful when saving over a build. I've screwed this up at least once.
3. Longshot, but could the Armory station (not the Armory Assistant, just the station) pull armor from house storage containers? This wouldn't make sense in the field, but in a player house, it would be very convenient.
4. I assume Mundus stone changes are coming...kinda odd they were left out of the build.
Again, though, this is one of, if not THE best upgrades I've seen in 8 years of playing!