jasonhunter wrote: »I know this is probably nothing new, but I is still disturbing to me. I just saw players selling the same item, a blueprint valued at average 40k, at 5 different guildstores for 15k.
What they do is they list it at a ridiculously low price, cancel it and upload it to TTC. They tempt some desperate people into selling their same item cheaper so it can be grabbed and sold at a higher price.
I see it happening with so many items and it is a disgusting practice and it illegitimizes an otherwise useful addon to determine market prices.
I have a problem with that. Is there a way to stop this? Should it be stopped?
The ingame economy is bad already, and stuff like this just makes it worse.
Thank you for your consideration.
jasonhunter wrote: »I know this is probably nothing new, but I is still disturbing to me. I just saw players selling the same item, a blueprint valued at average 40k, at 5 different guildstores for 15k.
What they do is they list it at a ridiculously low price, cancel it and upload it to TTC. They tempt some desperate people into selling their same item cheaper so it can be grabbed and sold at a higher price.
I see it happening with so many items and it is a disgusting practice and it illegitimizes an otherwise useful addon to determine market prices.
I have a problem with that. Is there a way to stop this? Should it be stopped?
The ingame economy is bad already, and stuff like this just makes it worse.
Thank you for your consideration.
jasonhunter wrote: »I know this is probably nothing new, but I is still disturbing to me. I just saw players selling the same item, a blueprint valued at average 40k, at 5 different guildstores for 15k.
What they do is they list it at a ridiculously low price, cancel it and upload it to TTC. They tempt some desperate people into selling their same item cheaper so it can be grabbed and sold at a higher price.
I see it happening with so many items and it is a disgusting practice and it illegitimizes an otherwise useful addon to determine market prices.
I have a problem with that. Is there a way to stop this? Should it be stopped?
The ingame economy is bad already, and stuff like this just makes it worse.
Thank you for your consideration.
jasonhunter wrote: »I know this is probably nothing new, but I is still disturbing to me. I just saw players selling the same item, a blueprint valued at average 40k, at 5 different guildstores for 15k.
What they do is they list it at a ridiculously low price, cancel it and upload it to TTC. They tempt some desperate people into selling their same item cheaper so it can be grabbed and sold at a higher price.
I see it happening with so many items and it is a disgusting practice and it illegitimizes an otherwise useful addon to determine market prices.
I have a problem with that. Is there a way to stop this? Should it be stopped?
The ingame economy is bad already, and stuff like this just makes it worse.
Thank you for your consideration.
perfiction wrote: »Some people are using eBay in 'bad'/morally wrong way (example - GPU scalpers with their crazy prices), does it mean that we should ban eBay completely?
TTC is just a site with listings. Why do you want to blame the tool (really useful tool tbh) for people misusing it?
That is just one example, there are many other ones at way higher values.That much trouble over 25K??
I use Master Merchant its the way to go
Redguards_Revenge wrote: »jasonhunter wrote: »I know this is probably nothing new, but I is still disturbing to me. I just saw players selling the same item, a blueprint valued at average 40k, at 5 different guildstores for 15k.
What they do is they list it at a ridiculously low price, cancel it and upload it to TTC. They tempt some desperate people into selling their same item cheaper so it can be grabbed and sold at a higher price.
I see it happening with so many items and it is a disgusting practice and it illegitimizes an otherwise useful addon to determine market prices.
I have a problem with that. Is there a way to stop this? Should it be stopped?
The ingame economy is bad already, and stuff like this just makes it worse.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bro, I have said this 2-3 years ago on this forum. I told them TTC + Master Merchant = Death of the game economy. Whales and people who are at the top and invested a crap load into the game won't see it that way. They will all deny it because they sit comfortably at the top. This will in turn, turn away new players. Then the mid ranged players will start to quit. Then you'll have one elite player born every 6 months. This is because they need people to replace the whales or players who invested so much time into the game once they retire. This happens in all MMOs. It's almost time for that moment where newer players don't play through the whole thing leave the game. They may stay for the story, but, everything else will be dead. It's the beginning of the end...when this becomes noticeable, This is ESO over it's peak. It's all downhill from here. There will be peaks while going downhill but they will not be higher than the higest peak we just passed up.
jasonhunter wrote: »Hey everyone, thank you all for your great contributions in this thread!That is just one example, there are many other ones at way higher values.That much trouble over 25K??
I use Master Merchant its the way to go
But I myself acknowledge of course that it is way more practical with this addon, and that is why, as the title of this thread suggests, the problem lies primarily with the players, not the addon.
And as others have also said, it is up to ZOS to determine wether they can live with it or if they handle it as an 'exploit' of some sort.
I don't know if that's the intention, but I have found on several occassions a recently listed item on the TTC website with X price, then went to the trader and found it (from the same seller) listed with a higher price, so I thought that either they mistakenly listed it for the X price, and had to re-list it, or deliberately listed on X price, to attract a customer who would then be like 'ah, whatever, I came to the trader anyway, I might as well buy it'But yeah it begs the question if it was also done to drive prices down, never thought of that. But it's probably isolated incidents, not a wide-spread practice (hopefully).
Redguards_Revenge wrote: »jasonhunter wrote: »I know this is probably nothing new, but I is still disturbing to me. I just saw players selling the same item, a blueprint valued at average 40k, at 5 different guildstores for 15k.
What they do is they list it at a ridiculously low price, cancel it and upload it to TTC. They tempt some desperate people into selling their same item cheaper so it can be grabbed and sold at a higher price.
I see it happening with so many items and it is a disgusting practice and it illegitimizes an otherwise useful addon to determine market prices.
I have a problem with that. Is there a way to stop this? Should it be stopped?
The ingame economy is bad already, and stuff like this just makes it worse.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bro, I have said this 2-3 years ago on this forum. I told them TTC + Master Merchant = Death of the game economy. Whales and people who are at the top and invested a crap load into the game won't see it that way. They will all deny it because they sit comfortably at the top. This will in turn, turn away new players. Then the mid ranged players will start to quit. Then you'll have one elite player born every 6 months. This is because they need people to replace the whales or players who invested so much time into the game once they retire. This happens in all MMOs. It's almost time for that moment where newer players don't play through the whole thing leave the game. They may stay for the story, but, everything else will be dead. It's the beginning of the end...when this becomes noticeable, This is ESO over it's peak. It's all downhill from here. There will be peaks while going downhill but they will not be higher than the higest peak we just passed up.
lol i have 300 k to my name and not even a top player and love using TTC for everything i need. So does most of my guild full of casual players. Any more gross assumptions? if anything TTC helps new players get gear like briarheart and mother sorrow at affordable prices.
And for casual people like me who want to fill up their sticker book at a reasonable rate. TTC is a god send addon.
Redguards_Revenge wrote: »jasonhunter wrote: »I know this is probably nothing new, but I is still disturbing to me. I just saw players selling the same item, a blueprint valued at average 40k, at 5 different guildstores for 15k.
What they do is they list it at a ridiculously low price, cancel it and upload it to TTC. They tempt some desperate people into selling their same item cheaper so it can be grabbed and sold at a higher price.
I see it happening with so many items and it is a disgusting practice and it illegitimizes an otherwise useful addon to determine market prices.
I have a problem with that. Is there a way to stop this? Should it be stopped?
The ingame economy is bad already, and stuff like this just makes it worse.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bro, I have said this 2-3 years ago on this forum. I told them TTC + Master Merchant = Death of the game economy. Whales and people who are at the top and invested a crap load into the game won't see it that way. They will all deny it because they sit comfortably at the top. This will in turn, turn away new players. Then the mid ranged players will start to quit. Then you'll have one elite player born every 6 months. This is because they need people to replace the whales or players who invested so much time into the game once they retire. This happens in all MMOs. It's almost time for that moment where newer players don't play through the whole thing leave the game. They may stay for the story, but, everything else will be dead. It's the beginning of the end...when this becomes noticeable, This is ESO over it's peak. It's all downhill from here. There will be peaks while going downhill but they will not be higher than the higest peak we just passed up.
Which isn't a big problem if you know how the Internet actually works. Spoofing IP addresses is fairly simple if you know how. You even get taught this as undergraduate student at university if you take computer science courses.cyberjanet wrote: »And when I say ban, you can't access the site and nobody on the same IP address can use it either.